Welcome to Homeroom! Tuesday, Sept. 2 School announcements Get-to-know-you games Lockers
Announcements Homeroom Schedule all this week Wednesday we will spend the morning reviewing behavior expectations in 6 different areas of the building (Station Rotation) Thursday we will be reviewing important sections of the Sellwood student handbook Friday we will have homeroom in the morning, and an assembly at the end of the day to celebrate our first week of school No Homeroom next week (Sept. 8-12)
Name Switching! Everyone writes their first and last names on a name tag. Pair up with someone you do not know well. Partner A tells Partner B as much about themselves as they can in 1 minute, and vice versa. When time is up, partners switch name tags and find a new partner. This time, they introduce themselves as the person whose name tag they have (their previous partner). Again, each partner gets 1 minute to talk. When time is up, switch name tags and find a new partner again. Repeat 2-4 times total, as time allows. At the end, students use the name tag they are currently holding to introduce that person to the entire group—telling as much information about that person as can be remembered. Before you start the game, have everyone go around the room and introduce themselves by saying their name and one of their hobbies. You can substitute index cards or scratch paper for name tags as needed. If you are crunched for time, instead of having each person introduced to the entire group at the end, you can just have students find the person whose name tag they have and tell that one person what they “know” about them.
Lockers Today we will practice our locker combinations and find our locker assignments. 7th and 8th graders are encouraged to help 6th graders open and find their lockers if needed. When it comes to lockers: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible You can elaborate as needed on Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. Points to include: 1. food draws ants, rodents, and bugs, 2. sharing your locker combination with others—even friends—makes your locker a less secure place for Ipods, Phones, Flashdrives, clothes, etc. 3. ?other locker wisdom?
Attendance Station Rotation 9:26-10:26 Station Rotation Reflection Wednesday, September 3 Attendance Station Rotation 9:26-10:26 Station Rotation Reflection When students have completed all nine stations, they should return to their homerooms to complete the station rotation reflection worksheet.
Station Rotation Reflection 2 Things I SHOULD NOT do 2 Things I SHOULD do Hallway Cafeteria Gym Playground Restrooms Bus Area Library Computer Lab
Attendance I Like People Who… activity Go over pages in handbook Thursday September 4 Attendance I Like People Who… activity Go over pages in handbook
I Like People Who… For this activity, you will need 1 less chair for sitting than you have students. The object of the game is to find a chair and not be the odd one standing up. The student without a chair says, “My name is ______, and I Like People Who…” and finishes by stating something that’s true about them. Examples: I like people who have 2 sisters. I like people who cheer for the Vikings. I like people who play soccer. Everyone in chairs who fits that description must get up and find a new seat. Whoever does not find a new seat is the odd one out and it starts over again. If students can’t think of anything to say, they may say, “I like everyone!” and everyone must find a new seat. If possible, set students up so the usable chairs are in a circle and desks are pushed back. If not, then indicate to students which seats are “in the game” and which are not very clearly. Students may push in this game when they get into it, so a reminder to Be Safe may be in order.
Friday, September 5 Community Building Activities Practice Sellwood Cheer for 3 PM assembly Reflection
What’s in a Name? Write your name on one side of a piece of paper. You can draw, outline, or decorate the letters. One the other side of the paper, write… Things you like about your name How you got your name Any special significance your name has Any nicknames or info you would like to add about your name In small groups of 4-5, have students share out what they wrote.
VICTORY Cheer CALL: Sellwood, Sellwood, don’t be shy. Stand and give your Panther cry! RESPONSE: V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! THAT’S OUR SELLWOOD PANTHER CRY!
Shake Your Booty Cheer CALL: Hey Sellwood! RESPONSE: Hey what? RESPONSE: Hey What? CALL: Shake your booty! RESPONSE: No way! RESPONSE: OKAY! ALL: Jump, shake your booty. Jump, jump, shake your booty. Jump, shake your booty. Jump, jump shake your booty.
Reflection Have students turn to a partner and share out the following reflections: Did you meet anyone this week you hadn’t met before? Do you enjoy meeting new people? What’s one new thing you learned this week? What’s one thing that’s stayed the same since last year? What was your favorite part of this week?