Подготовила : учитель английского яз. МБОУ СОШ № 8 г. Туапсе УРОК ДОМАШНЕГО ЧТЕНИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА в 6 классе М. З. Биболетова
My funny family Jenny the Joker By Colin West “HORUM” на уроке английского языка
Цель урока: раскрыть тайну “HORUMU” в рассказе “Jenny the Joker” План урока: 1. Орг. Момент 2. Речевая разминка 3. Вводная беседа 4. Развитие лексических навыков 5. Контроль понимания содержания текста 6. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи. 7. Итог урока Задачи урока: Образовательные: развивать лексические навыки говорения; совершенствовать навыки чтения; формировать навыки и умения работы с текстом. Воспитательные: приучать к соблюдению этикета в межличностном общении; воспитывать чувство ответственности перед своими одноклассниками; Развивающие: развивать внимание, память, воображение; развивать навыки социокультурной компетенции; развивать интерес к жизни сверстников страны изучаемого языка; развивать способность к анализу и отбору информации; Тип урока: урок домашнего чтения. Оборудование: доска; книга для чтения 5-6 класс М.З. Биболетова, 2012
Орг. Момент Речевая разминка - Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we’ll talk about … “HORUMU” What is it?... and at the end of the lesson you should open the mystery of Jenny’s humor! Remember the English proverb: «Everyone has a fool in his sleeve» Let’s repeat it. Who can guess the Russian equivalent? « У каждого в рукаве сидит свой дурак » Well done! Now answer my questions: Do you know the meaning of the word “humor”? Do you like to play pranks on people? What do you usually do when your relatives visit you?
2 minutes for you… The word humor has come to us from the English language - COMEDY (born humour), a special kind of comic that combines mockery and sympathy outwardly comedic interpretation and internal involvement that seems ridiculous. In the guise of humor funny lurks a serious attitude to the subject of laughter. Main representatives in the literature: Cervantes, Laurence Sterne, Dickens, Gogol, Mark Twain. In English the word has got out of the Greek. In ancient medical condition of the person described by the relation of four fluids - blood, lymph, yellow and black bile - which they called " humor." Ratio and the harmony of these fluids determines the health and well-being. - What does the word “HUMOR” mean? - What are the famoust humouros writers?
Развитие лексических навыков Find the English equivalents for the following words Шутница Девчачьи штучки Сколько шума из - за маленькой букашки Жесткий, как старый башмак Клянусь Мне пришло в голову Брызгающая роза Порошок вызывающий чихание Она прихлебывала свой чай The joker Girlish things What a little fuss over a little insect. Tough as an old boot! Cross my heart Cross my mind Squirting rose Sneezing powder She sipped her tea
Контроль понимания содержания текста I hope you like the story “Jenny the Joker”. Let’ do some exercises. Open your books on page 55 Ex. 2; 58 Ex.2; 59 Ex. 1 Read the statement and say if they are true or false. The next task: put the sentences in the right order. 1.Everyone thought it was extremely funny. 2.Jenny brought a woopee cushion with her. 3.It was a joke plastic fly. 4.He felt a squirt of water up his nose. 5.The cheese was made of rubber. 6.Night night, sleep tight, mind the bugs don’t bite!
Тренировка навыков диалогической речи. Make the dialogue and act it: - Can I help you? - Fooled you, fooled you!!! - A little old man, wow!!! - Now, aren’t you going to give your cousin a hug? - Thanks, for inviting me! I’ll take your bags upstairs.
Подведение итогов: Find the answers in the text … What is the mystery of Jenny’s pranks? Who can find the answer in the text? What did she want? - Yes, you are right: She thought if she acted terribly to begin with, the boy wouldn’t think the real Jenny too bad after all!!! So, humor helps Jenny to understand interests of each other and we can make friends.
So, why do you use “Humour” in your life? I want to add some cheer to the atmosphere! I can make a hint to my relatives. I don’t tell lies. It helps me to make friends. I can express my feelings. I’m a merry person! I want to look better then I am. I keen on joking because
Your marks are… Your home task Ex. 1-3 p. 60 (Retell the story and describe your friend) See you! Good bye!