4/5 – 3 rd grade watches Mr. Popper’s Penguins This day we will watch a movie to celebrate our extended text Mr. Popper’s Penguins. Permission slips were sent home. 4/8 – SPRING BREAK 4/22 - CRCT (5 days) 5/3 - 3 rd Grade Market Day 12:45 This is our last Market Day! Please make sure you read the attached information. 5/14 – 3 rd Grade Kickball Tournament Our classes will pair up and have a fun time playing kickball. Those who don’t want to participate can cheer on their team. 5/15 – End of Year Class Celebration – Minute To Win It Games 12:45 Parents are welcome to come and help us celebrate the end of the year during this fun time of silly games. 5/16 - Electronics Day Students may bring their electronic devices to play. A permission slip with parent signature is required. No permission…no devices! 5/17 - Field Day/Cook Out – Parents are welcome to come and cheer on their child. Information is forthcoming. We will eat picnic style on the field. 5/20 - Beach Day – Bring Sunglasses, a hat, drink, beach towel, and a snack. 5/21 - Autograph Day – Bring your yearbooks for signing. We will also hand out autograph books/pages for those without a yearbook. 5/22 - Movie Day & 3 rd Grade Award Ceremony 8:00 These are awards given out for attendance, from specialist teachers, citizenship chosen by their peers, and ONE Freytastic is chosen by each teacher. Not all students get an award this day. You will be notified if your child will be receiving one so you can make plans to attend. If you are not notified, your child will not be getting an award at this ceremony. 5/22 & 23 Early Release Days 2 hours early 5/23 LAST DAY –No backpacks allowed on this day. Nothing can go home on the buses on this day! 5/29 Report Cards Mailed – You will receive your child’s report card along with CRCT scores, supply list for next year, and other information. We need 2 stamps to mail it or you may pick it up if you wish. **Please note that many of these activities DO NOT last all day. We will continue to have instructional activities during this time.
It’s time to clean out those closets for the end of the year Market Day/Yard Sale. Students may either make a product to sell and/or bring in items to sell. Please look around your house for gently used items that you would be willing to let your child sell during this time. Something that you no longer use may be a new item to someone else. Books, gifts that aren’t your taste, games no longer played, or toys that are collecting dust could be a real treasure to another student. Please do not send in anything broken or with missing pieces. Thanks for making this a great event! Your child may also choose to create something to sell at Market Day. Our last one was a great success. Remember that Mother’s Day is coming up so that is a great theme to create a product for. As always, this is an optional activity. Students are not required to create or bring in anything. However, the greater participation the more fun it is. Proposal is due by Friday, April 26 th …Do not send in product until the day of please! **Items must be approved and listed on the next sheet by the teacher and parent. **Please list EVERY item your child chooses to sell. Market Day Proposal Product Name: - Be clever, catchy, and colorful Describe your product/service – Include its use and how many with a sketch. For yard sale items please list. My product will cost __________________________. Parent Signature _____________________ Teacher Signature ____________________ Market Day is on Friday, May 3 rd at 12:45. Friday, May 3 rd at 12:45.