1. to analyze immediate constituents. Lecture 4 Learning objectives: 1. to analyze immediate constituents. 2.to form words.
immediate constituents IC What the four sorts /types of morphemes are? These morphemes are put together to form words. For example, the word cheerful is composed of two parts. -cheer ful -gentle/man/ly
When we analyze a word we divide /cut into parts of which it seems to have been composed. We do this until we reduced a word to its ultimate constituents, that is to the unit morphemes /layers of structure of which it is composed. Two points: 1. If a word ends in inflectional suffix, the first cut is between tis suffix and the rest of the word, as in preconceiv/ed, malformation/s. 2. One of the IC should be a free morpheme. A free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning.
Examples: Analyze these words to their immediate constituents(draw tree diagrams) -enlargement -independent insupportable
EX 8-25 p 108 Home work One of the IC showing the layers of structure is wrong. Which is it and why?
Home work One of the IC showing the layers of structure is wrong Home work One of the IC showing the layers of structure is wrong. Which is it and why? -itemized -preprofessional -newspaperdom -counterdeclartion -malconstruction -contradictory -disethrone
H W EX 8-26 Diagram these words to show the layers of structure -mid after noon -Ic land ic -super natur al -un com fort able -fest iv al -en gag ing -ex press ion ism -mis judg ment
Definition: 1.A word is a free morpheme or a combination of morphemes that together form a segment of speech. 2.A word . . . is any segment of of a sentence bounded by successive points at which pausing is possible.
Classification of words simple, complex, and compound words. 1.Simple words consist of a single free morpheme. Examples :long, spirit. 2.Compex words contain, their (ICs) two bound morphemes or abound and a free form. Examples of two bound morphemes: tel/vise,ex/clude. Examples of bound and free forms: lion/less,tele/phone.
Ex 9-2
Compound words Compound words have free forms, usually two as their immediate constituents. Examples: Green/house, out/side, no/show, under/go, over/ripe, attoney/general
Implied grammatical structure
Exercise 9-3 THE END