PUT THE LETTERS IN THE RIGHT ORDER umsemu numontme retteha distamu liaparment nemaic legalry aresqu Museum monument theatre stadium parliament cinema gallery square
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS What is London? Where is it situated? On what river does London stand? What sights of London do you know?
MATCH THE PARTS AND READ THEM ALOUD The Tower of Palace Trafalgar Parliament St’Paul’s London The National Ben Buckingham Square Westminster Gallery The Houses of Cathedral Big Abbey
CHECK YOURSELVES CHECK YOURSELVES The Tower of London Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral The National Gallery Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parliament Big Ben
FILL IN THE GAPS They are going to a really nice place to have a … People are very… and full of cheer The Buckingam Palace is… The Tower is higher than an… The main symbols of London are…
They are going to a really nice place to have a cup of tea. People are very nice and full of cheer. The Buckingam Palace is great. The Tower is higher than an elefant. The main symbols of London are red buses, black taxi, queen, royal guard.
old older (the) oldest
Large larger (the) largest
big bigger (the) biggest
happy happier (the) happiest
Famous more famous (the) most famous
Interesting more interesting (the) most interesting
Beautiful more beautiful (the) most beautiful
PUT IN THE MISSING WORDS AND TELL ABOUT YOUR TRIP London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are many... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London. cities, capital, places of interest, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important
CHECK YOURSELVES London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It was founded about two thousand years ago. London is one of the most important and interesting cities in Europe. There are many places to visit in London. There are a lot of museums, art galleries, cinemas, theatres and beautiful parks in London.