MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT P O L A N D Warsaw, June 2, 2007 The European Regions as a Field of Path Dependency and Path Creation Panel IV Conference on „The Future of European Regions”
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Path Dependency Regional development can be characterized, among other things, by: petrificationpetrification imitationimitation extensivenessextensiveness
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Path Creation But regional development can also signify: innovationsinnovations strategystrategy human capital riskrisk
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4 Influential opinions Jeremy Rifkin Joseph Stiglitz “The youth of former Eastern bloc countries can play a key role in this transformation. The young people here can be the new blood, the new vitality for Europe that can help bridge the European and the American Dream and provide Europe with fresh, new energy...” „Globalization has brought enormous benefits to some countries." „I am a great cheer for globalization when it is managed well." Richard Florida „The huge difference being that talent is a FLOW, not a stock. The places that win this global competition of talent will be the ones that realize that talent moves.”
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 5 EU competitive position (need for renewed Lisbon Strategy) Source:International Monetary Funds, „World Economic Outlook. Spillovers and Cycles in the Global Economy”, April 2007
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 6 Determinants and „soft” conditions of regional development Regions Socio-economic situation level of development productive capacity development potential Institutional regulatory decision-making Programming strategic operational Global economic competition economic interdependencies economic trends Human capital education system talents entrepreneurship migration
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7 Socio-economic situation general perspective GDP per capita UE-27 = 100 PL = 53.4% (2006) PL max = 76.8% (2004) PL min = 35.2% PL = 66% EU-25 EU-25 (2015) Exports per capita EU-25 = euro (2004) PL = euro EU max = euro (Luxembourg) EU min = euro (Cyprus) GERD/GDP (2005) EU-27 = 1.84% PL = 0.57% EU max = 3.86% 3.86% (Sweden) EU EU min = 0.4% 0.4% (Cyprus) Unemployment (2006) EU-27 = 7.9% PL = 13.8% EU max = 13.8% 13.8% EU min = 3,9% PL max = 23.7% 23.7% PL min = 11.9% EU financing billion euro (NSRF) billion euro (development of rural areas) + 5 billion euro (other) (+ PL’s contribution - 23 billion euro)
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 8 Socio-economic situation policy perspective (path creation) Competitiveness and innovativenessCompetitiveness and innovativeness Education and human capitalEducation and human capital Civil societyCivil society Development of information societyDevelopment of information society Other selected elements of vision (technical and social infrastructure, employment growth, efficient public administration system, knowledge-based economy, sustainable development) However, due to the current condition of technical infrastructure and membership obligations, 41.5% of combined the allocation from the structural funds and The Cohesion Fund will be earmarked for infrastructure and environmental protection, constituting an obstacle for „path creation”
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9 Regions Global impulses Lisbon Strategy Migration and demographics pressures Global competition Energy and environmentalchallenges International security and regional conflicts Transnational informational and cultural flows and diffusion Role of democracy human rights and civil society
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 10 National Development Strategy PRIORITIES 1. Improvement of competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy 2. Improvement of the shape of technical and social infrastructure 3. Increase of employment and improvement of its quality 4. Building an integrated social community and its security 5. Development of rural areas 6. Regional development and improvement of territorial cohesion MAIN OBJECTIVE: To improve the standards and the quality of life of Poland’s residents: individual citizens and their families
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 11 Programing conditions (New approach, advanced elements) NDS NSRF OP, ROP Systemic formula of goal and selected priorities Role of the system of indicators Dialogue and social partnership in the preparation and implementation of strategic documents Monitoring system Comprehensive diagnosis + SWOT Sources of financing Role of regulatory and institutional instruments Environmental requirements Strengthening of realization due to the Act on the Principles of Development Policy Decentralisation of implementation to regions
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 12 NDS - Strategy’s Implementation System NDS Sectoral Strategies and attendant Operational Programmes NSRF and attendant Operational Programmes, other programmes Voivodships’ Development Strategies and attendant Regional Operational Programmes Law on the Principles of Development Policy (of December 6, 2006) monitoring and reporting Actualization every 4 years
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 13 Institutional conditions Law on the Principles of Development Policy part of governmental decision - making process reference to Regulation 1083/2006 EC adjustment of regional strategies cooperation on ROP and OP Other elements of „good governance” regulatory impact assessment environmental impact „better regulations” e-government other laws and reforms Role of the Ministry of Regional Development regulatory and institutional instruments programming instruments coordination instruments cohesion and synergy of operations
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 14 MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT P O L A N D Ministry of Regional Development ul. Wspólna 2/4 Thank you for attention