Kvi-cart Low-q measurements to look at bulk properties FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting on « New Directions for Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theories » Caen,


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Presentation transcript:

kvi-cart Low-q measurements to look at bulk properties FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting on « New Directions for Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theories » Caen, France March 18, 2015 Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, KVI-CART, University of Groningen

kvi-cart Bulk Properties

kvi-cart Example: The Collective Response of the Nucleus: Giant Resonances IsovectorIsoscalar Monopole (GMR) Dipole (GDR) Quadrupole (GQR) Berman and Fulz, Rev. Mod. Phys. 47 (1975) Pb 120 Sn 65 Cu Photo-neutron cross sections Electric giant resonances

kvi-cart Collective oscillations of all neutrons and all protons in a nucleus in phase (isoscalar) or out of phase (isovector) Breathing Mode Squeezing Mode No Density Variation Shape Change M. Itoh ISGMR ISGDR ISGQR Giant Resonance

kvi-cart M. Itoh

kvi-cart NucleusMany-body system with a finite size VibrationsMultipole expansion with r, Y lm, t, s  S=0,  T=0  S=0,  T=1  S=1,  T=1 L=0: Monopole L=1: Dipole L=2: Quadrupole L=3: Octupole ISGMR IVGMR IAS GTRIVSGMR LEOR, HEOR r2Y0r2Y0 tY 0 ISGQR ISGDR IVGDR IVSGDR t r 2 Y 0 t  Y 0 t  r 2 Y 0 r3Y1r3Y1 t rY 1 t  rY 1 r2Y2r2Y2 IVGQR t r 2 Y 2 t  r 2 Y 2 r3Y3r3Y3 IVSGQR

kvi-cart Incompressibility or bulk modulus (K) is a measure of substance’s resistance to uniform compression and can be defined as

kvi-cart Investigation of Nuclear Matter Distributions along Isotopic Chains:  halo, skin structure  probe in-medium interactions at extreme isospin (almost pure neutron matter)  in combination with electron scattering (ELISe FAIR): separate neutron/proton content of nuclear matter (deduce neutron skins) method: elastic proton scattering at low q: high sensitivity to nuclear periphery Why low momentum transfers hadronic scattering? Investigation of Giant Monopole Resonance in Doubly Magic Nuclei:  gives access to nuclear compressibility  key parameters of the EOS  new collective modes (breathing mode of neutron skin) method: inelastic  scattering at low q Investigation of Gamow-Teller Transitions:  weak interaction rates for N = Z waiting point nuclei in the rp-process  electron capture rates in the pre-supernova evolution (core collapse) method: ( 3 He,t), (d, 2 He) charge exchange reactions at low q

kvi-cart 27 Kinematics for collision of protons with exotic nuclei (with fixed heavy/light target)

kvi-cart Kinematics for inverse reaction for 56 Ni

kvi-cart Advantages and disadvantages of storage-ring experiments Advantages: Large intensities in the ring Little energy loss in the target No target window (no background) High resolution of the beam (cooling) Forward focusing for high-energy particles Low energy threshold Disadvantages: Ultra high vacuum Very small recoil energies for low q Thin targets

kvi-cart Advantages and disadvantages of active targets Advantages: Large target thickness (without “limits”) Good angular coverage No target window (no background) Forward focusing for high-energy particles Low energy threshold Disadvantages: Very small recoil energies for low q Low beam intensities

kvi-cart R 3 B (external tar.) vs. EXL (ring exp.) External target (thick) Low beam current High-energy particles Large momentum transfer Target contamination Quasi-elastic scattering Internal target (thin) High beam current Low-energy particles Small momentum transfer No target window Giant resonances

kvi-cart CR Super FRS NESR ESR

kvi-cart The EXL FAIR Details of the EXL setup Design goals: Universality: applicable to a wide class of reactions Good energy and angular resolution Large solid angle acceptance Specially dedicated for low q measurements with high luminosity (> cm -2 s -1 ) Detection systems for: Target recoils and gammas (p,α,n,γ) Forward ejectiles (p,n) Beam-like heavy ions

kvi-cart First experiments with the existing ring at GSI (ESR) Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart CR Super FRS NESR ESR Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart ESR ring Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart The new ESR Scattering chamber beam target 2 nd DSSD 1 st DSSD & Si(Li)s aperture Si(Li) DSSD ● DSSD: 128×64 strips, (6×6) cm², 285 µm thick ● Si(Li): 8 pads, (8×4) cm², 6.5 mm thick ● active vacuum barrier ● moveable aperture to improve angular resolution Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart Beam current

kvi-cart Target density

kvi-cart Reaction: 56 Ni(p,p’) 56 Ni* or 56 Ni(α,α’) 56 Ni* 53 Ni 45 ms 54 Ni 104 ms 55 Ni 205 ms 56 Ni 6.08 d 57 Ni 35.6 h 52 Co 115 ms 51 Fe 305 ms 53 Co 242 ms 52 Fe 8.28 h 53 Fe 8.51 m 54 Co 193 ms 55 Co h 56 Co 77 d 54 Fe stable 58 Ni stable The choice of the Nucleus

kvi-cart Kinematics for inverse reaction for 56 Ni Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings

kvi-cart First results with radioactive beam Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings October 25, 2012: First Nuclear Reaction Experiment with Stored Radioactive Beam!!!! Beam energy 400 MeV/u 56 Ni (p,p)

kvi-cart Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings Preliminary DSSD 1 st Si(Li) 2 nd Si(Li) beam target 56 Ni(p,p), E = 400 MeV/u First results with radioactive beam

kvi-cart Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings First results with radioactive beam Preliminary 56 Ni(p,p`), E = 400 MeV/u Identification of Inelastic Scattering 56 Ni (p,p) 56 Ni (p,p`) 1. excited state at 2.7 MeV

kvi-cart Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings First results with radioactive beam Preliminary M. v. Schmid 56 Ni(p,p), E = 400 MeV/u Angular Distribution

kvi-cart Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings First results with radioactive beam Preliminary 56 Ni(p,p), E = 400 MeV/u Angular Distribution M. v. Schmid

kvi-cart Elastic p-scattering off 56 Ni (E105) 30 preliminary! First results with radioactive beam

kvi-cart Elastic p-scattering off 56 Ni and 58 Ni (E105) First results with radioactive beam

kvi-cart Elastic p-scattering off 56 Ni and 58 Ni (E105) First results with radioactive beam

kvi-cart 33 First results with radioactive beam Elastic p-scattering off 56 Ni and 58 Ni (E105)

kvi-cart Inelastic scattering

kvi-cart First results with radioactive beam Inelastic scattering of alphas from 58 Ni (E105)

kvi-cart 95-97% 56 Ni ~ 10 4 pps 56 Ni (α,α’) 56 Ni* Primary target 9 Be 58 Ni 56 Ni 54 Co 53 Fe 55 Co 9 Be Primary Beam: 58 Ni at 75 MeV/u Primary Target: 9 Be (thickness μm) Secondary Beam: 56 Ni at 50 MeV/u MAYA setup GANIL Facility

kvi-cart Schematic view of MAYA active target detector

kvi-cart Mask Gassiplex Chips Inside MAYA

kvi-cart Anode Wires Cathode pad in MAYA

kvi-cart 80 CsI Detectors 20 Si Detectors Diamond Detector ΔE-E telescope in MAYA

kvi-cart Particle identification in Si/ScI detectors

kvi-cart Recoil Track Vertex

kvi-cart Range extraction of recoil track Range of recoil alpha particle Maximum Amplitude Maximum Amplitude / 2

kvi-cart Excitation energy of 56 Ni Elastic peak

kvi-cart Excitation energy of 56 Ni at θ CM =5.5 o

kvi-cart Low-lying dipole mode in 56 Ni

kvi-cart Monopole mode in 56 Ni 56 Ni (d, d’) 56 Ni* C. Monrozeau et al., PRL 100 (2008) This work: 56 Ni (α,α’) 56 Ni*

kvi-cart Monopole mode in 56 Ni: ring vs. active target

kvi-cart Conclusions and outlook Large efforts are taking place for both the ring environments as well as for active targets. Bulk properties (radius, compressibility etc.) are the main subject of the low-q measurements. The goal is to go towards the medium heavy and heavy nuclei (astrophysical processes). First measurements done with Ni isotopes. First physics measurements are already producing beautiful results. More measurements are planned for both systems.

kvi-cart Upgrade of the first EXL experiment Exotic nuclei studied in storage rings


The EXL-E105 Collaboration S. Bagchi 1, S. Bönig 2, M. Castlós 3, I. Dillmann 4, C. Dimopoulou 4, P. Egelhof 4, V. Eremin 5, H. Geissel 4, R. Gernhäuser 6, M.N. Harakeh 1, A.-L. Hartig 2, S. Ilieva 2, N. Kalantar ‑ Nayestanaki 1, O. Kiselev 4, H. Kollmus 4, C. Kozhuharov 4, A. Krasznahorkay 3, T. Kröll 2, M. Kuilman 1, S. Litvinov 4, Yu.A. Litvinov 4, M. Mahjour-Shafiei 1, M. Mutterer 4, D. Nagae 8, M.A. Najafi 1, C. Nociforo 4, F. Nolden 4, U. Popp 4, C. Rigollet 1, S. Roy 1, C. Scheidenberger 4, M. von Schmid 2, M. Steck 4, B. Streicher 2,4, L. Stuhl 3, M. Takechi 4, M. Thürauf 2, T. Uesaka 9, H. Weick 4, J.S. Winfield 4, D. Winters 4, P.J. Woods 10, T. Yamaguchi 11, K. Yue 4,7, J.C. Zamora 2, J. Zenihiro 9 1 KVI, Groningen 2 Technische Universität Darmstadt 3 ATOMKI, Debrecen 4 GSI, Darmstadt 5 Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg 6 Technische Universität München 7 Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou 8 University of Tsukuba 9 RIKEN Nishina Center 10 The University of Edinburgh 11 Saitama University


Thank you!