Gamow-Teller Transitions for Light Nuclei by the Deformed Quasi-particle RPA(DQRPA) Soongsil University, Korea Eun Ja HA and Myung-Ki CHEOUN HNP
Contents Motivation Formalism - Deformed basis (Nilsson basis) - Deformed Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (DBCS) - Deformed quasi-particle random phase approximation (DQRPA) - Gamow-Teller transitions for the nuclear beta decay Results Summary HNP
SKKU, 17 June MotivationsFormalismResultsSummary X-ray and Super Burst ~ 3hours Time scale : ~ a few hours Total energy : erg (normal burst ~ erg) Total energy : erg (normal burst ~ erg) Supernovae Type II HNP
SKKU, 17 June Pycno ‐ reaction (Haensel & Zdunik1990 ) Because of high density and low temperature on the neutron star crust, Coulomb barrier is overcome by the zero-point motion of the nuclei in the solid lattice !! Degenerated electrons block the beta decay. Ordinary nuclei become highly unstable, and unstable nuclei become the normal stable nuclei at the neutron-star crusts !! 4 MotivationsFormalismResultsSummary 2011 HNP
5 spherical basis deformation np-pairing correlation MotivationsFormalismResultsSummary ☞ The conventional approach so far to understand the nuclear structure is based on the spherical symmetry HNP
6 We extend our previous QRPA based on the spherical symmetry, which turns out to be a very useful tool for relevant reactions in the nuclear- astrophysics. MotivationsFormalismResultsSummary 2011 HNP
Realistic two body interaction taken by Brueckner G-matrix based on the Bonn potential Deformed WS Deformed BCS Deformed QRPA Gamow-Teller transition 7 Without np-pairing With np-pairing(in progress) MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalismFormalism 2011 HNP
The single particle states 8 Spin w.f Axially symmetric harmonic oscillator w.f. MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism 2011 HNP
The deformed basis(Nilsson basis) is expanded 9 Spherical harmonic oscillator w. f. MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism By Including deformation 2011 HNP
Deformed BCS Deformed BCS In order to renormalize the G-matrix, theoretical values are adjusted to the empirical pairing potentials by multiplying the G-matrix with a strength parameters g pp (g nn ). 10 MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism By Including deformation by a symmetric five term formula 2011 HNP
Description of Intermediate States for Gamow-Teller excitation K=1,0,-1 11 MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism DQRPA equation 2011 HNP
12 particle-hole particle-particle MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism Realistic two body interaction taken by Brueckner G-matrix based on the Bonn potential By Including deformation 2011 HNP
Beta- transition amplitude 13 MotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism 2011 HNP
14 ResultsFormalismSummaryMotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism Ikeda sum rule in percentage of 3(N-Z) 2011 HNP
15 Gamow-Teller Strength in 26 Mg ResultsFormalismSummaryMotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism Experiment by Madey (1987) 2011 HNP
16 Gamow-Teller Strength in 60 Ni ResultsFormalismSummaryMotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism Experiment Ours 60 Ni (p,n) 60 Cu 60 Ni (n,p) 60 Co 2011 HNP
17 Gamow-Teller strength in 76 Ge Experiment ResultsFormalismSummaryMotivationsResultsSummaryFormalism Calculatiion by Fedor HNP
18 1. To describe a single particle state in deformed basis, we used the deformed axially symmetric Woods-Saxon potential. And then we performed the deformed BCS and deformed QRPA with realistic two-body interaction calculated by Brueckner G-matrix based on Bonn potential. 2. We calculated the Gamow-Teller transitions in 26 Mg, 60 Ni, and 76 Ge. Our results are reproduced well the position of energy with available experimental data and other calculations but we have some problem for the B(GT) strength. 3. We are checking transition operator and np-pairing correlations to improve the B(GT) strength. MotivationsFormalismResultsSummary 2011 HNP
19 1. Next stage is E1 and E2 transitions in unstable nuclei to study the inversion island, which comes from the shell evolution sensitive to the deformation. 2. Weak interactions with unstable nuclei by the neutrino, in specific, stemmed from the supernova explosion are also one of the interesting topics, because relevant cross sections are believed to differ from those in stable nuclei and affect rapid processes in the nucleosynthesis on the corecollapsing supernovae and/or the crust of the neutron star with a binary star. Future works 2011 HNP
Thanks for your attention !! HNP