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Presentation transcript:

GYN SPECIAL EDITION NUMBER 2 Cytopathology Challenge! Weekly Cases Feb 1st, 2008 GYN SPECIAL EDITION NUMBER 2

1 24 year old female. ThinPrep pap LSIL HSIL ASCUS Squamous Metaplasia Endocervical Cells 1

2 34 year old female. ThinPrep pap Reactive endocervical cells Squamous metaplasia ASCUS LSIL HSIL 2

3 34 year old female. ThinPrep pap ASCUS LSIL HSIL Squamous Metaplasia Reactive/Inflammatory 3

4 29 year old female. ThinPrep pap Squamous metaplasia Reactive endocervical cells ASC-US LSIL HSIL 4

5 32 year old female. ThinPrep pap Squamous metaplasia Reactive endocervical cells ASC-US LSIL HSIL 5

6 23 year old female. ThinPrep pap Squamous metaplasia Parakeratosis LSIL HSIL SCCA 6

18 year old female. ThinPrep pap CMV HIV HPV HSV EBV 7

8 52 year old female. ThinPrep pap Reactive endocervical cells Normal endometrial cells AIS Adenocarcinoma HSIL 8

9 44 year old female. ThinPrep pap A. Squamous metaplasia B. Reactive endocervical cells C. Atrophy D. LSIL E. HSIL 9

10 34 year old female. ThinPrep pap Reactive ASCUS LSIL HSIL Squamous Metaplasia 10

Answers D Squamous Metaplasia A Endocervical cells E Reactive D LSIL Nuclei not enlarged, smooth contours, NC ratio OK. Not HSIL. A Endocervical cells Small round and regular nuclei. Compare to Ques #1. E Reactive See the trichomonas organism! D LSIL Koilocytes! B Parakeratosis Sometimes associated with dysplasia D HSV Herpes Simplex Viral changes in Nucleus D Adenocarcinoma Crowded overlapping nuclei with prominent nucleoli. No “feathering” so not Adeno in situ (AIS) E HSIL High NC ratio, irregular nuclei. This actually turned out to be a SCCA on biopsy. A Reactive No dysplasia, just some squamous cells with neutrophils.