Facts About Nuclear Energy
Beneficial Uses of Radiation
1. Radioisotopes allow us to date organic objects, such as rock layers, fossils and other artifacts. Carbon 14 ( 14 C) Phosphorus 32 ( 32 P) Uranium 238 (238U) Radioisotopes allow us to find leaks, weak spots, and wear on metal pipes and surfaces that rub together.
2. Radiotracers allow us to see pathways inside the body. Short half-life and leave body quickly!! 131 I can be used to see the thyroid gland. 24 Na and 59 Fe allows us to see the circulatory system. 32 P allows us to see bones 99 Technetium is used in bone scans and allows us to see brain tumors.
3. Radioimmunoassays detect very, very small amounts of chemicals in the body, such as pregnancy hormones and early signs of cancers.
4. MRI Magnetic resonance imaging Gives detailed images of internal structures
5. Radiation can be used to kill harmful cells Kill bacteria in food Kill cancer cells 60 Co and 226 Ra
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 1. Nuclear Fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two smaller nuclei of approximately equal mass.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 2. Unlike radioactive decay, nuclear fission does not occur spontaneously.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 3. The nucleus needs to be bombarded by a neutron at high speed in order to split.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 4. The new neutrons that are released then bombard other nuclei, creating a chain-reaction.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 5. The chain reaction releases huge amount of energy, because mass has been converted into energy!
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 6. An example of an uncontrolled chain reaction is an atom bomb.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 7. Nuclear power plants generate electricity with controlled chain reactions.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 8. The splitting of an atom releases an incredible amount of heat and gamma radiation, or radiation made of high-energy photons. The two atoms that result from the fission later release beta radiation (superfast electrons) and gamma radiation of their own, too.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 9.Nuclear Fission was discovered after scientists began to practice artificial transmutation, creating new elements by changing the nucleus of existing elements.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 10. Artificial transmutation is done in a particle accelerator, not at a power plant.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 1. Nuclear Fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two smaller nuclei of approximately equal mass.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 2. Unlike radioactive decay, nuclear fission does not occur spontaneously.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 3. The nucleus needs to be bombarded by a neutron at high speed in order to split.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 4. The new neutrons that are released then bombard other nuclei, creating a chain-reaction.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 5. The chain reaction releases huge amount of energy, because mass has been converted into energy!
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 6. An example of an uncontrolled chain reaction is an atom bomb.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 7. Nuclear power plants generate electricity with controlled chain reactions.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 8. The splitting of an atom releases an incredible amount of heat and gamma radiation, or radiation made of high-energy photons. The two atoms that result from the fission later release beta radiation (superfast electrons) and gamma radiation of their own, too.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 9.Nuclear Fission was discovered after scientists began to practice artificial transmutation, creating new elements by changing the nucleus of existing elements.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FISSION 10. Artificial transmutation is done in a particle accelerator, not at a power plant.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION powering-the-future-fusion-video.htm
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 1. Nuclear Fusion is the joining of two atomic nuclei of smaller masses to form a single nucleus of larger mass.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 2. Nuclear fusion produces greater amounts of energy than nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 3. Temperatures over a million degrees must be reached (called a thermonuclear reaction).
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 4. Nuclear Fusion occurs on the sun and other stars.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 5. In the sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 6. 1% of the mass of the atom is converted into energy.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 7. Occur in the plasma phase of matter.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 8. Nuclear fusion reactions cannot be contained by anything known or invented as of yet.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 9. Produces less radioactive waste than nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION 10. Possible raw materials are less rare than those for nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION green/40861-planet-green-fusion-energy- video.htm