1 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 22
2 Nucleons In nucleus of atom Protons and neutrons
3 Nuclide An atom Identified by the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus Example: Sulfur-32 Has mass number of 32 Has 16 protons
4 Mass defect The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its protons, neutrons, and electrons. Use isotopic mass to calculate, not average atomic mass.
5 Nuclear binding energy The energy released when a nucleus forms. Mass is converted to energy (E=mc 2 ) when the nucleus is formed. Also the energy required to break apart the nucleus Measure of stability
6 Binding energy per nucleon Binding energy divided by number of nucleons If high, nucleus is held together tightly
7 Band of stability Neutron-proton ratio Close to 1:1 for smaller atoms Close to 1.5:1 for larger atoms
8 Stability Protons repel each other through electrostatic forces They attract each other through nuclear forces – but only over small distances More neutrons are needed to increase nuclear force without increasing repulsive forces Beyond bismuth (83), no stable nuclides exist
9 Nuclear shell model Nucleons exist in different energy levels, or shells, in the nucleus Magic numbers – the numbers of nucleons that represent completed nuclear energy levels – 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 Very stable nuclides
10 Nuclear reaction Affects the nucleus of an atom Atoms give off large amounts of energy and increase their stability
11 Transmutation When a nucleus changes identity as a result in the change in its number of protons It becomes a different element
12 Nuclear equations The total of the atomic numbers and the total of the mass numbers must be equal on both sides of the equation. Elements have atomic numbers 1 or greater Neutrons have atomic numbers of 0 Electrons have atomic numbers of -1
13 Examples
14 Example
15 You try
16 You try
17 You try
18 Radioactive decay The spontaneous disintegration of a nucleus into a slightly lighter nucleus, accompanied by emission of nuclear radiation (particles, electromagnetic radiation, or both).
19 Radioactive nuclide Unstable nucleus that undergoes radioactive decay.
20 Alpha emission Alpha particle ( ) – two protons and two neutrons (a helium nucleus) Emitted from the nucleus during some kinds of radioactive decay. Restricted to very heavy nuclei – both protons and neutrons need to be reduced for stability
21 Beta emission Decreases number of neutrons A neutron is converted into a proton and an electron. Beta particle ( ) – an electron emitted from the nucleus during some kinds of decay.
22 Positron emission Decreases number of protons A proton is converted into a neutron by emitting a positron – a particle that has the same mass as an electron, but a positive charge
23 Electron capture Increases number of neutrons A nucleus captures one of its inner orbital electrons The electron combines with a proton to form a neutron
24 Gamma emission Gamma rays ( ) – high-energy electromagnetic waves emitted from a nucleus as it changes from an excited state to a ground energy state Supports the nuclear shell model Gamma emission usually occurs immediately after other types of decay
25 Decay series A series of radioactive nuclides produced by successive radioactive decay until a stable nuclide is reached. Parent nuclide – the heaviest Daughter nuclides – produced by the decay of the parent nuclide
26 Artificial transmutation Bombarding stable nuclei with charged and uncharged particles to create artificial radioactive nuclides Great quantities of energy are needed Particle accelerator Used to fill in the gaps in the periodic table and extend the table past uranium Transuranium elements – have more than 92 protons
27 Half-life, t 1/2
28 Half-life We can’t predict when an individual atom will decay, only the rate of decay for a large number of atoms. There is a table on page 708.
29 Example Uranium-238 decays through alpha decay with a half-life of 4.46 x 10 9 years. How long would it take for 7/8 of a sample of uranium-238 to decay? 3 half-lives, or 1.34 x years
30 Example The half-life of polonium-210 is days. How many milligrams of polonium-210 remain after days if you start with 2.0 mg of the isotope? 0.25 mg
31 Example The half-life of iodine-131 is days. What percentage of an iodine-131 sample will remain after 40.2 days? 3.12 %
32 Nuclear Radiation Alpha particles, beta particles (positive or negative), and gamma rays. Have different penetrating powers
33 Alpha particles Large mass (4 amu) and charge (+2). Can’t travel far in air Low penetrating power Cannot penetrate skin Can be stopped by a sheet of paper Harmful if ingested or inhaled
34 Beta particles Travel close to the speed of light Penetrate about 100 times as much as alphas Can travel a few meters in air Can be stopped by lead or glass
35 Gamma rays Travel at the speed of light Greatest penetrating ability Can travel indefinitely through air or empty space Can only be stopped by thick layers of lead or concrete.
36 Roentgen Unit used to measure nuclear radiation The amount of radiation that produces 2 x 10 9 ion pairs when it passes through 1 cm 3 of dry air.
37 rem Roentgen equivalent man The quantity of ionizing radiation that does as much damage to human tissue as is done by 1 roentgen of high-voltage X-rays.
38 Radiation exposure damage DNA mutations Cancer Genetic effects Can come from direct radiation exposure or by interaction with previously ionized molecules In the US, average yearly exposure is 0.1 rem. Up to 0.5 rem is permissible.
39 Radiation detection Film badges Used by people working with radiation Film is exposed by radiation Geiger-Müller counters Count electric pulses carried by ionized gas Best for beta particles Scintillation counters Used when radiation causes materials to emit visible light
40 Radioactive dating Determining the age of a substance based on the amount of radioactive nuclides present Carbon-14 is used for organic materials up to years old Others used for older materials and minerals up to 4 billion years old
41 Radioactive medicine Used to destroy cancer Used to detect cancer and other diseases Radioactive tracers
42 Radioactive agriculture Tracers can be used to determine fertilizer effectiveness Radiation can be used to extend shelf life by killing bacteria and insects
43 Nuclear waste containment Waste can have a half life from a few months to thousands of years. It must be contained to protect living organisms Can be on-site storage or off-site disposal
44 Nuclear Waste storage Usually for rods from power plants. Can be stored in pools of water or dry casks (concrete and steel). Usually a temporary solution
45 Nuclear waste disposal Materials are never meant to be retrieved. Careful planning is needed. There are currently 77 disposal sites in the US.
46 Nuclear fission A very heavy nucleus splits into more- stable nuclei Mass of products is less than mass of reactants Releases enormous amounts of energy
47 Chain reaction The material that starts the reaction is one of the products and can start another reaction. Critical mass – minimum amount of nuclide that is needed to sustain a chain reaction
49 Nuclear reactors Use controlled fission chain reactions to produce energy or radioactive nuclides. Uncontrolled fission chain reactions – atomic bombs
50 Nuclear power plants Use heat from nuclear reactors to produce electrical energy Main components Shielding Fuel Control rods Moderator Coolant
51 Shielding Radiation-absorbing materials that decreases amount of gamma rays leaving the reactor.
52 Fuel What powers the chain reaction Usually Uranium-235
53 Control rods Neutron absorbing rods Control reaction by limiting number of free neutrons
54 Moderator Used to slow down fast-moving neutrons Fission of uranium is more efficient with slower neutrons
55 coolant Absorbs heat from the reaction to produce electricity
57 Nuclear fusion Light-mass nuclei combine to form a heavier, more stable nucleus Releases more energy per gram of fuel than fission Takes place in stars (including the sun) Hydrogen to helium Uncontrolled reactions – hydrogen bombs
58 Fusion requirements High heat and pressure needed Right now, no known material can withstand the initial temperatures (100 million K) needed for controllable fusion.