Chapter 4 Earth’s Resources. Conservation of Energy  Create a Brochure promoting the Conservation of Energy  In your Brochure you must persuade humans.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 Earth’s Resources

Conservation of Energy  Create a Brochure promoting the Conservation of Energy  In your Brochure you must persuade humans to protect/conserve Earth’s resources  Your Brochure must include color, pictures, and loads of facts  You will have 3 days to complete the brochure  You may include pictures (small) from magazines or the internet  You will be graded on content of course and creativity

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Solar Energy  Two Advantages of “fuel”  __________  ____________  Solar collectors (panels) absorb heat from the sun and convert it to electricity  Disadvantages  ________________________________  __________________________________  Less electricity on cloudy days and in winter

NCSU Solar House tachments/gallery_DCP_2023.JPG

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Nuclear Energy  Fuel comes from nuclear materials that release energy through nuclear fission  the nuclei of heavy atoms such as uranium-235 are bombarded with neutrons  The uranium nuclei split into smaller nuclei and emit neutrons and heat energy  Advantages  ________________________________  _________________________________  Disadvantages  ______________________________________  Possible accidents could occur that would release radioactive materials

Alternate Energy Sources ysics/New%20Folder/uranium.jpg Nuclear Energy

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Wind Energy  Conversion of wind into energy by using turbines and windmills  In the next 50 to 60 years, wind power could meet between 5 to 10 percent of the country’s demand for electricity.  Advantages  __________________________  Disadvantages  ____________________________  ______________________________  Islands or isolated regions are good candidates for wind energy expansion, WHY?

Wind Turbines ents/2011/images /640_HornsRev% jpg imedia/archive/00 028/Altona_28959 a.bmp

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Hydroelectric Power  Generated by FALLING water  Water held in a reservoir behind a dam is a form of stored energy that can be released through the dam to produce electric power  The strong water flow that results drives turbines and electric generators  Advantages  ______________________________  Disadvantages  ________________________________________________________

Fontana Dam jpg

Fontana Dam es/Fontana%20Dam.JPG Tenn Valley – Built in NC to accommodate the rising of electrical power demands in 1940s Tallest Dam in the Eastern US – 480 ft

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Geothermal Energy  harnessed by tapping natural underground reservoirs of steam and hot water  Hot water is used directly for heating and to turn turbines that generate electric power  Advantages  ___________________________________________  ____________________________________________  Disadvantages  _____________________________________________  Wells usually only last about 10 to 15 years

The Geysers Are the World’s Largest Electrical Geothermal Facility

4.2 Alternate Energy Sources  Tidal Power  harnessed by constructing a dam across the mouth of a bay or an estuary in coastal areas  Must have large tidal ranges – at least 8 meters  Advantages  __________________________________________  Disadvantages  ___________________________________________

Tidal Power s5/tidal1.gif

Tidal Power /images/rance.gif

Alternate Energy Foldable You will use the paper provided to you to create a layered book foldable like the one below. On the tab of each layer, list one alternate energy. On the inside of each layer, describe the energy type. Insert in Notebook on next available odd page