U.S. P/C Industry Loss & LAE Reserves Weakening September 13, 2010 U.S. Property/Casualty – 2009 Loss & LAE Reserve Review
2009 Overview
Fourth straight year of positive reserve development.
Immediate Gain, Future Pain More reserve releases seen in Benefit to calendar-year results. Threat to underlying loss & LAE reserves. Adverse development seen in long-tail lines for
Variables Shape by-Line Results Tort environment. Medical inflation. Economy. Claim frequency. Price competition.
By-Line Positions
Tracking Development
Key Reserve Indicators Rising reserve to earned premium ratio points to declining premiums.
Asbestos & Environmental A.M. Best estimate of ultimate liabilities down $4B in Asbestos up $10B, environmental down $14B. $17B in A&E charges to income in past five years. A&E reserves $13.7B inadequate at year- end 2009.
Outlook Continued reserve weakening as recent years’ loss ratios develop.
U.S. Property/Casualty – 2009 Loss & LAE Reserve Review To read more, download A.M. Best’s special report, U.S. P/C Industry Loss & LAE Reserves Weakening, available at Spreadsheet files also are available. BestWeek subscribers have full access to all statistical studies and special reports Copyright © 2010 by A.M. Best Company, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this report maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise.
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