Male Circumcision.


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Presentation transcript:

Male Circumcision

In the United States… Circumcision first became widely popular in the United States during the 1800’s when little was actually known about reproductive and sexual health by doctors. It was believed that masturbation was extremely harmful to both mental and physical health, and further, that the boy or man with a natural/uncircumcised penis was more likely to engage in masturbation. The ironic thing is that studies completed over 100 years later showed that exactly the reverse was true! Circumcised men seemed to be more likely to engage in masturbation.

Circumcision is not necessary for good hygiene for the vast majority of boys and men More recently, doctors have learned that a male can stay just as healthy and clean by following very simple washing with soap and water. Since this washing takes no longer than the washing of a circumcised penis and clean water and soap are readily available in our society, the only remaining reasons for circumcision are social and religious.

Male circumcision as a religious rite Only the Jewish and Islamic faiths require this religious rite that recalls Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God. The sacrifice of the male foreskin is a blood covenant between the people of these faiths and their God. This rite is not a part of Christian practice, although many Christians choose circumcision for cultural or health reasons.

Cultural norms change over time Today, a lot of men are protesting the routine circumcision of infants. They believe they’ve been mutilated; robbed of a natural, normal part of their body that protects the sensitivity of their penis.

“Natural” is becoming “normalized” We are used to the look of the circumcised penis because it has been a tradition in our society, but across the world, far many more men are left intact/natural/uncircumcised. After physicians stopped encouraging parents to go ahead with this surgery on their sons, the trend began to change and today only about 60% of infant boys are circumcised, with the numbers decreasing each year. For parents worried that their son will be viewed as freakish in Junior High gym class for having a natural/uncircumcised penis, there should be consideration of the fact that both circumcised and uncircumcised boys will be the norm, with even more boys being left in their natural state as years go by.

Circumcision removes the foreskin and… Several organizations in the United States are advocating against routine circumcision; and for letting boys and men make their own choices about their penis. Circumcision is only medically necessary for boys who suffer from “phimosis” (see your textbook).

From natural/intact to circumcised Here you see a normal, intact infant male. His foreskin (prepuce) covers the sensitive tip (glans) of his penis.

All surgeries pose at least minor risks The foreskin is pulled away from the glans penis prior to surgical removal. This often causes some abrasions to the glans because the foreskin has not yet naturally loosened from the glans. In most cases there is no major or lasting damage.

If you choose this surgery, be sure to request that your son be given a local anesthetic for the pain A circular plastic plastic clamp keeps the foreskin separated from the glans during the surgery to cut away the foreskin. The clamp may be left on for a few days during healing.

Surgery performed on infants heals much more quickly than when performed on older boys or adults

For more information… This page from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) briefly explains their reasoning for advising against routine circumcision of infant boys. Circumcision Information for Parents:  Circumcision: Frequently Asked Questions:

Female circumcision – not the same at all Female genital mutilation (FGM), also called female circumcision, is defined as the cutting or partial/total removal of the external female genitalia for cultural, religious, or other non-medical reasons. This procedure is carried out on young girls, from ages four to ten, depending on the ethnic group. FGM removes the tissues around the vagina that allow women to have pleasurable sexual feelings.

The World Health Organization is educating against this practice Some reasons for FGM are to ensure a girl's cleanliness, reduce promiscuity, and increase the chances of marriage. Many people describe this procedure as being a form social and cultural control over a woman's sexuality. Some cultures see FGM as a rite of passage for young girls and many cultures have made this a tradition after practicing it for several thousands of years.

The reality is not pretty When a girl is cut, she is considered a "real" woman because her "male parts", the clitoris and labia, are removed. Families of the mutilated females have "justifications" for these practices. Local villagers consider a girl who is not circumcised "unclean", and therefore unmarriageable. People also think that a girl who does not have her clitoris removed is considered a great danger and ultimately fatal to a man if her clitoris touches his penis.

Even in the United States, where it is illegal… Everyday, 6,000 girls and women are mutilated and the practice is even becoming widespread in the United States because of the rising number of immigrants who come here and request for the "sacred surgery" to be done on their daughters and wives.

To learn more about FGM… Visit these websites: