Extinction of Learned Behavior Lesson 14
Extinction of Reinforced Behavior n Behavior changes relatively permanent l Modifiable if situation changes l NOT unlearning n Respondent: cue doesn’t predict important event l CS : No US n Operant: B no longer followed by important event l S D : B No S R ~
Extinction Strength of R Hi Lo Acquisition CS : No US B No S R
Effects of Extinction n Respondent behavior l CR diminishes l Emotional: frustration/relief n Operant behavior l B Extinction burst l Gradual B l response variability ~
Operant Extinction Strength of R Hi Lo Acquisition B No S R n frustration burst & response variability ~
Extinction & Negative RFT n Escape behavior l B terminates aversive event l extinction similar to positive RFT n Avoidance Behavior l B prevents aversive event l Resistant to extinction l limited exposure to S D l flooding exposure to complete S D ~
Extinction: Punishment n Recovery of Punished Behavior n Behavior no longer punished l B no S R n B l full recovery original B level l depends on intensity & frequency of punishment ~
Extinction vs Forgetting n Forgetting l Decay of memory l With passage of time n Extinction l Requires B to occur repeatedly l Without RFT ~
Extinction vs. Habituation n Habituation l reflexive response l Reflexive response inherited n Extinction l in an acquired response l B no longer reinforced l Response acquired via learning ~
Operant: Extinction vs. Punishment n Both reduce behavior frequency l extinction gradual l strong punishment rapid n Positive punishment disadvantages l fear responses l escape/avoidance l aggression ~
Why Does Extinction Occur? n Inhibitory learning l CS+ : no US and S D : B no S R l contingencies change l become inhibitory signals: CS- / S Δ n Operant: role of CERs l nonRFT frustration u B aversive CER: B l nonPunishment relief u B appetitive CER: B ~
Reinstatement after Extinction n Recovery of learned responses (CR) l response to CS+ / S D n Phenomena l Spontaneous Recovery l Disinhibition l Renewal effect n Shows that association intact l NOT unlearned ~
Spontaneous Recovery Strength of R Hi Lo Acquistion Extinction CS/S D occurs Time passes n Passage of time since last CS/S D ~
Disinhibition Strength of CR Hi Lo Novel Stimulus Acquistion Extinction CS/S D occurs n Novel stimulus precedes CS/S D ~
Renewal Effect n Extinction context-dependent l Acquisition: “old” environment l Extinction: “new” environment n Go back to “old” environment l Responses are renewed n Indicates association intact l All CS / S D not present during extinction l different contexts ~
Renewal Effect: Flying Phobia Acquisition: in plane Old Fear Gone? Extinction: at clinic New
Reacquisition n Events paired again l CS : US l B S R n Associations quickly re-strengthened l fewer trials asymptote l than original acquisition n Because previous associations intact l adaptive behaviors l relapse for maladaptive behaviors ~
Reacquisition Strength of R Hi Lo Acquisition Extinction Reacquisition
Parodoxical RFT Effects n Particularly for CRF l expectation of RFT l No S R frustration faster extinction n Overtraining Extinction Effect l More training higher expectation of RFT n Magnitude of RFT l RFT magnitude higher expectation of RFT n Frustration when not RFT l aversive – acts like punisher ~
Extinction ≠ Unlearning n Association persists after extinction n Reinstatement of responding after extinction l Spontaneous recovery l Renewal Effect l Disinhibition l Reacquisition n Difficulty in treating addictions & behavioral disorders l Relapse can occur relatively easy ~