Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data? Jeff Arnfield NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center Version 1.0 Review Date
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Overview A long term archive’s primary goal is “to protect and serve” by ensuring that its data holdings, include the metadata necessary for discovery and interpretation, remain intact, available and usable. Ensuring the long term integrity and viability of data is an active, ongoing process. A long term archive manages the details for you.
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Define roles and responsibilities Data archives work with data submitters to concisely define their respective expectations and responsibilities for the body of data to be archived. Such an accord is often documented in a submission agreement. The archive’s requirements for data format, content and packaging are clearly enumerated. The archive will also require the metadata necessary to characterize, read, advertise and properly interpret your data. Limitations on the data’s distribution and use are explicitly spelled out in these submission agreements. Plans for versioning, if updates are envisioned, will usually also be addressed during the planning process.
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Ingest, identify and store Your data must be archived using a non-proprietary format to ensure that it may be read in the future. The archive will work with you to ensure your data uses such a format. The archive may ensure that your data are received intact using checksums or other techniques. The data archive will assign a unique identifier to your data, providing a stable way to reference it. In addition to the metadata you provide, the archive may generate data management metadata for your submission. Your data will be securely stored to ensure accessibility and its long term integrity.
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Preserve data integrity Your content must be protected against corruption and modification. File checksums and other techniques help ensure that data files remain intact and unaltered. Storage devices and media can fail due to equipment problems, and an entire location may be compromised by natural disaster. A data archives usually maintains backup copies of data at an offsite location to ensure its holdings survive such events. Archives plan for and manage migration of data to new media, storage architectures and formats to avoid obsolescence and help prevent media failure.
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Advertise and provide access Archives use metadata to permit your data to be discovered, acquired and interpreted. In addition to employing in-house discovery and access tools, archives often publish metadata to various clearinghouses, portals and registries. Such resources can make your data available to a much broader community. Archives support access requests to your data by packaging and delivering it, along with associated metadata. A data archive will control access to its holdings, enforcing any distribution restrictions or limitations specified in the submission agreement.
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx References and Resources Van den Eynden, V., Corti, L., Woollard, M., Bishop, L., & Horton, L. (2011.). Managing and sharing data : best practices for researchers. Colchester: University of Essex. UK Data Archive. Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Preservation Strategies: What do long-term archives do with my data?; Version 1.0, Reviewed xx/xx/xxxx Other Relevant Modules Planning for longer term perservation Work with your archive early and often Options for archiving your data Data transfer and submission agreements Intro to the OAIS Reference Model Responsible Use: Data restrictions