SUR 111 LAB 4 Entering the Sterile Role
Overview Surgical Hand Scrub (12-1) Toweling Gowning (12-1) Closed Gloving Removal of instrument tray from container system (12-15)
Skill 12-1 Please refer to your classroom lecture power point for Lab 4 skill assessment: 12-1 Power point title: The Surgical Hand Scrub (lecture 6)
Removing the Instrument Tray (12-15) 1.Sterile field must be established Back table is opened and appropriate corner is cleared and toweled out! Corner instruments are set upon based upon where you are in relation to the patient and the room Notice in lab that OR set ups can be on either side of the patient Setting up on the left in lab will mean the set up is reversed from the way it would be set up on the right side of the lab
Removing the Instrument Tray (12-15) 2.Student has scrubbed, gowned, and gloved self as well as turned and applied second pair of gloves Instrument tray previously opened when student was non-sterile, external container system checked for external chemical indicator changes, intact locks, correct tray, filters intact, container dry, opened without contamination, internal chemical indicator visualized and changed (skill 12-2)
Removing the Instrument Tray (12-15) 3. Ensure that you are back from the container with NO possibility that your gown or sleeves are touching any part of the container and reach with your fingers out grasp the handles of the instruments set and lift straight up (vertical) then step back Basket should NOT touch your gown (hold it out from yourself) until circulator verifies filters and container dryness Watch yourself and the circulator! AWARENESS OF SELF! Do not turn your back on your field! Circulator available to check remaining filters prior to your removing the tray Circulator checks filters and declares them intact and inside of the container dry prior to you going to the back table with the tray Internal chemical indicator verified should you need to turn it over prior to you approaching the back table Circulator removes container and gets out of the way unless a second or third tray is needed to be opened on that same table (space could be limited)
Removing the Instrument Tray (12-15) 4. Student must understand and be able to state why the tray should not touch their gown or the back table until the circulator has done their part and the scrub student has done their part
Removing the Instrument Tray (12-15) 5.Set instrument tray in designated location on the back table gently Organize the instruments and prepare for the count Don’t forget to make a towel roll for your string of instruments and place prior to stringer removal! Instruments may be placed on field first after toweling out back table or after other supplies are arranged Do not announce that you are ready to count or pass off the instrument count sheet until the table is organized and everything countable is clearly visible to you and the circulator