Vulnerability of Complex System Lokaltermin des ETH-Präsidenten Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009 Laboratory for Safety Analysis
2ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Problems: Numerous variables, highly integrated Structure stable over time, low dynamics Analytical thinking and diligence sufficient Methods: Decomposition of systems, causal chains; PSA framework Further developments required, e.g. human factors, common cause failures Major challenge : From reliability and risk engineering of complicated systems...
3ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Complex systems: Inadequate information about elements, states and interactions Nonlinearities, feedback loops, adaptive emergent behavior Problems: System behavior unequal sum of single elements’ behavior Strong interdependencies Need to model and simulate „system-of-systems“... to vulnerability assessment of complex systems
4ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis What if… Drinking water is missing due to Electrical energy system break down due to Missing communication service due to Overloaded communication component due to Cyber attack due to … Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
5ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Critical Infrastructures Interdependencies: Scientific Support for Federal Office for Civil Protection Source: IRGC White Paper 3, 2006 (red: high, green: low, yellow: medium) Fig. Assessment matrix for five coupled infrastructures currentstarted
6ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Electric Power Systems: Italian Blackout 2003
7ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Internet protocols were designed for an environment of trustworthy academic and government users with limited applications, not for global users. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software (the number of features and rapid time to market outweigh a thoughtful security design) Monocultures of, individual and networked computers, applications, routers, switches and operating systems increase the effects of any threat: –a single vulnerability can exist and be exploited in millions of identical copies of the same software and hardware Internet (infrastructure) security
8ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis SCADA (real Swiss case) – search of potential hacker entry points (3) (1)Dedicated data exchange between utilities and Swiss TSO (PIA system) (2)Trading/office systems separated from SCADA (1)Own control systems – can be operated via own telephone lines; protective systems/devices independent from SCADA (1) (2)
9ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Drinking Water © SVGW / SSIGE / SSIGA 2003;
10ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Water: Simulation of contamination Scenarios Contaminations Flow Concentration Sensor placement
11ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Methods: framework for vulnerability analysis
12ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Intact Repairing Defect Memory Goal Method: Agent Based Modeling (ABM) Has different states (Finite State Machine, FSM) Is capable of interaction with its environment (e.g. other objects) has „receptors“ and „effectors“ for specific („messages“) and non-specific (environmental variables) signals Can act randomly May have a memory (learning) Can strive for a goal
13ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Simulation of N objects One single object does not tell us much about the behaviour of its macro-system Therefore every component of a system has to be modelled separately by an object By the computational simulation of all objects, the global system behaviour and the system states emerge Intact Repairing Defect
14ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Agent-based Modelling applied to the electric power system 3. Die Simulation Kumulative Ausfallswahrscheinlichkeit 2. Die Systemmodellierung 1. Das Konzept 1.Identify the components of the system. Determine the states of each component by making use of FSM. 2. Establish the communication among the objects. 3. Simulate your model to generate the system states and estimate Blackout Frequencies
15ETH Zürich Laboratory for Safety Analysis Conclusions Complex systems (e.g. CIs) face multiple threats (technical- human, natural, physical, cyber, contextual; unintended or malicious); may pose risks themselves CIs show high complexity, inter-dependencies of different type, coupling and interaction level, e.g. through a host of industrial ICT Vulnerability analysis of complex systems calls for ‘system-of- systems thinking’, suitable techniques and problem-oriented approach. LSA has developted a comprehensive framework for vulnerability analysis of complex systems