Figure S1. Quantification of stem diameter and stipule diameter of intact plants and plants with buds removed A.The stem diameter (arrow) at the base of node 3 was measured when the plants were 30-d-old. Data are means ± standard error (n = 7-8). B.The stipule width (arrow) at node 3 was measured when the plants were 30-d-old. Data are means ± standard error (n = 7-8). WT rms1-10 rms4- 3 Psbrc1 A B Intact Buds removed
Figure S2. Cell width of epidermal internode of pea WT, rms1, le, le rms1 plants. Data are means ± SE (n = 8 plants; cells per plant). Values with different lowercase letters are significantly different from one another (ANOVA, P < 0.05). a b b b le rms1 le WT rms1
Figure S3. Relative transcript levels of the SL biosynthesis gene RMS5/PsCCD7 in pea epicotyl tissue. RMS5 transcript level relative to EF1α was quantified 24 h after supply of 0 or 3 μM GR24 via hydroponics to 6-d-old WT, rms1-10 and rms4-3 plants (cultivar Térèse). Data are means ± SE (n = 3 pools of 6 plants). WT rms1-10 rms4-3 Control
Figure S4. Relative transcript levels of GA biosynthesis genes (A) GA20ox1 and (B) GA3ox1 (LE) in pea expanding stem tissue 24 h after supply of 0 or 3 µM GR24 via hydroponics. Transcript levels relative to EF1α were measured in the expanding internode (between node 6 and 7) of 12–d-old WT, rms1-10 and rms4-3 plants (cultivar Térèse). Data are means ± SE (n = 3 pools of 6 plants). Values with different lowercase letters are significantly different from one another (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). WT rms1-10 rms4- 3 A B a bc ab bc ab a a a a a a a c Control
Figure S5. Relative transcript levels of GA catabolism genes (A) GA2ox1 (SLN) and (B) GA2ox2 in pea expanding stem tissue 24 h after supply of 0 or 3 µM GR24 via hydroponics. Transcript levels relative to EF1α were measured in the expanding internode (between node 6 and 7) of 12-d-old WT, rms1-10 and rms4-3 plants (cultivar Térèse). Data are means ± SE (n = 3 pools of 6 plants). Values with different lowercase letters are significantly different from one another (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). WT rms1-10 rms4- 3 b a b a a a a a b b A B b b Control