Deforestation Alina Maysterchuk Laura Beebe Shannon Ryan Deena Papadopoulous
Source of the Problem Conversion to agricultural land Urban construction Expanding markets for rainforest timber Uses for fuel Clearing land that is to be used for crops and livestock Road development and expansion Large scale commercial activities In many areas, wood is the most easily available form of fuel Can be used as firewood or turned into charcoal for cooking and heating purposes
History About one half of the forests that once covered the Earth are gone Each year, another 16 million hectares disappear 22% of the world’s old growth original forest cover remains intact (located in Canada, Russia, and South America) Tropical forests once occupied 16 million km2, today about 8-9 km2 remain US – Old growth forests mostly harvested by 1920 – Pacific Northwest/Michigan forests heavily cut after 1920 to recently – Harvest of Old Growth continues in Alaska
Effects on the Ecosystem Loss of living space – Loss of biodiversity Endangerment and extinction of rare species Drought – Rain forests help generate rainfall in drought-prone areas. Losing rain forests has led to drought in West African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, and Côte d’Ivoire. Drives climate change – Soil dries out without the presence of trees – Can change environment to barren desert (desertification)
This highlights the species most affected by deforestation. At threat of extinction are: 1 out of 8 birds 1 out of 4 mammals 1 out of 4 conifers 1 out of 3 amphibians 6 out of 7 marine turtles according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Solutions Corporations – Companies can make an impact by introducing zero-deforestation policies that require supplies to produce commodities such as timber, beef, soy, palm oil and paper fiber in a way that has a minimal impact on natural forests and the climate. – They can also instill paper procurement policies to only use a certain amount of paper. Consumer Power – Consumers have the power to put pressure on companies that have bad environmental practices. By buying recycled or certified wood products, and only supporting brands with zero deforestation policies. Politics – “Forests for Climate” is an international fund dedicated to preserving forests in developing countries.