Effects on Carbone budget of forests by wildfire and regional estimation of the effects CI: Yoshinobu Harazono (IARC, and Osaka prefecture Univ.) Major Participants: Hiroki Iwata (IARC), Masahito Ueyama (Osaka prefecture Univ.), Hirohiko Nagano (IARC) Satellite MODIS, LANDSAT, ALOS (AVNIR-2 and PALSAR), GOSAT products (Level-3,4) IKONOS if possible. Location & Area UAF’s campus (UAF site), healthy stand over 120 yrs. Poker Flat Research Range (PF site), Hill top burned in 2004 Cascaden Ridge (CR site), burned in 2010 Alaska and North-East Asia (Planned) Expected Results Regional carbon flux evaluation Parameterization and ground truth validation of satellite derived parameters (NDVI, FAPAR, LAI, EVI, …)
2.1 Tower-base GHG flux observation We continue the flux and micrometeorology observations at UAF, PF, and CR sites, as the same as those in phase II and III. IARC : Y. Harazono, H. Iwata, and H. Nagano Osaka Pref. Univ. : M. Ueyama, C. Iwama , S. Kudo Cascaden Ridge (CR-site), where was burned in June 2010, was established in 2011 spring to focus on the recovery processes of carbon budget right after the wildfire.
Results from 2011-field Observations Monthly changes in Daily variations of CO2 fluxes top : NEE middle: GPP bottom : RE almost the same between two sites (1 & 7 years after burned)
2.2 Methane budget observation We focus on methane (CH 4 ) budget at forest site to better understand the roles of arctic terrestrial ecosystem on global change. Multiple Methodology 1) CH4-flux: Eddy correlation, Concentration gradient, Relaxed eddy accumulation, and chamber. Kyoto Univ. (Y.Kosugi, A. Sakabe) 2) Process of CH 4 exchange at ground surface are revealed by stable isotope analysis and decomposition measurement of soil organics. NIES and Tsukuba Univ. (M. Kondo, M. Utsumi) 3) Model validation : Improve the CH 4 budget model and satellite base regional estimation model. NIES and Fukushima Univ. (A. Ito, K. Ichii, M. Kondo) Results contribute to GOSAT-project as ground truth data and regional estimation.
2.3 Satellite data application (Remote Sensing analysis) 1) Validation of RS products To investigate the relationship between vegetation responses and remote sensing (RS) products such as FAPAR and NDVI, ground truth observations are necessary and conducted at observation sites (UAF, PF, and CR) as our study plan. IARC : H. Iwata and H. Nagano Okayama Univ. : T. Iwata and M. Otsuki 2) Application of satellite RS for regional estimation (modeling) Several types of RS-base GHG-budget model are improved by using validated parameters, and GHG-exchange and the budgets are estimated regionally. IARC : H. IwataOsaka Pref. Univ. : M. Ueyama Fukushima Univ. : K. Ichii and M. Kondo 3) Utilization of satellite data and IARC facilities MODIS, LANDSAT, ALOS (AVNIR-2 and PALSAR), GOSAT products (Level-3,4), IKONOS. We need recent ( ) fine resolution data (5-30 m grids) for progress of process-base model and regional estimation. RS-collaboration members will use IJIS-computing system when they are in IARC.
Relationship between FAPAR and EVI MODIS FAPAR product is overestimated for burned boreal forests. However, Application of obtained results to Light-Use- Efficiency Model resulted in good performances.
3. Expected results 1. Transient characteristics of carbon budget of black spruce forest after wildfire are revealed. 2. Relationship between vegetation responses and remote sensing (RS) products are revealed and the parameters are obtained. 3. Satellite-RS based model to estimate carbon budget is developed. 4. Parameters of Satellite-RS based model are determined. 5. Our understandings on GHG exchange in the northern ecosystem become deeper. 6. Archived data as IARC-database are available to share.
Collaborative field studies among Japanese Universities and Institutes. Flux and Ground truth observation: Masahito UEYAMA, Chie IWAMA (Osaka Prefecture Univ.) CH 4 and soil-C observation: Yoshiko KOSUGI, Ayaka SAKABE (kyoto Univ.), Miyuki KONDO (NIES) , and Motoo UTSUMI (Tsukuba Univ.) Air pollution related to fire-smoke : Kentaro HAYASHI (NIAES) Remote sensing and Modeling Remote sensing: Toru IWATA, Motoi OTSUKI (Okayama Univ.), and Kazuhito ICHII, Masahiro KONDO (Fukushima Univ.) Model-study on CH4-budget : Akihiko Ito (NIES), Masahito UEYAMA, Kazuhito ICHII, and Masahiro KONDO.