The System of Education in Poland CALW, 5th December 2010 The System of Education in Poland
The System of Education in Poland Primary school Lower Secondary school (gymnasium) Specialized Upper Secondary School General Upper Secondary School Basic Vocational School Technical Upper Secondary School Post-Secondary School based on Specialized Upper Secondary School Post- Secondary School Supplementary General Secondary School University Work Supplementary Technical Secondary School
Primary School Primary school is divided into two stages: Grades I-III, Grades IV-VI In the last year of study pupils take a nationwide external test, Primary school leavers have received education on a basic level, After graduating from primary school, pupils continue their education in lower secondary schools (gymnasium). The System of Education in Poland
Lower Secondary School (gymnasium) Grades I-III (age 13-16), Grade III students take a nationwide external exam. The exam result determines the choice of further school education. The System of Education in Poland
. Upper-secondary school General Upper Secondary School Specialized Upper Secondary School Technical Upper Secondary School Basic Vocational School The System of Education in Poland
General Upper Secondary School Education lasts 3 years Ends with a Maturity Examination General Upper Secondary School graduates can go to college or continue their education in post-secondary schools The System of Education in Poland
Specialized Upper Secondary School Lasts 3 years and ends with the Maturity Examination It is a combination of general upper secondary school with a professional apprenticeship Students undergo practical training. Maturity Examination can be taken only at the basic level. The System of Education in Poland
Technical Upper Secondary School Education lasts 4 years. Students undergo practical training. Ends with the Maturity Examination and professional examination granting the title of a technician. Technical Upper Secondary School graduates can go to college or start professional careers. The System of Education in Poland
Supplementary General Secondary School Education lasts 2 years Classes can be conducted in a day or evening system It ends with the Maturity Examination The System of Education in Poland
Supplementary Technical Secondary School Education lasts 2 years Graduates are granted the title of a technician Students undergo practical training It ends with the Maturity Examination The System of Education in Poland
Maturity Examination Assessment of knowledge of the material covered in the core curriculum of selected subjects at the level of Upper Secondary School. Graduates of upper secondary schools are not obliged to take the exam, yet the Maturity Certificate is required of candidates for tertiary education. The Maturity Exam is not a document certifying upper secondary educational level as this is done by the upper secondary school completion certificate. In Poland, the body responsible for conducting the Maturity Examination is the Central Examination Commission. CEC is the parent of the Regional Examination Commissions which are engaged in the preparation and execution of Maturity Exams across Poland. The System of Education in Poland
Post- Secondary School Maturity Examination Certificate is not required Education lasts 1 or 2 years The curriculum is focused on acquisition of professional skills. The System of Education in Poland
Higher Education School Organizational unit of government, local government or private body acting under the provisions of the Law on Higher Education or - in the case of religious institutions - under contract between the Polish Government and the appropriate authorities of the church. In the Polish Education System it is a higher education establishment which educates graduates of general upper secondary schools and technical upper secondary schools who passed the Maturity Examination.. First cycle programmes (Bachelors’ degree) end with a diploma of a bachelor (licencjat) or a professional engineer (inżynier), Second cycle programmes lead to Master’s degree (magister) or an equivalent degree depending on the field of study (magister inżynier). Some faculties offer long cycle programmes (4,5 – 6 years) leading to Master’s degree (or an equivalent degree e.g. physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon). Students who completed the second or long cycle programmes can continue studies in Ph.D. programmes. The System of Education in Poland
The System of Education in Poland Maturity Examination Certificate First Cycle (Bachelor’s degree ) programmes (licencjat) First Cycle higher professional education programmes (inżynier) Long Cycle university- type and non- university-type higher education ( Master of Arts, Master of Science, etc ) Complementary Second Cycle programmes (Master of Arts, Master of Science) Third level studies (Ph.D. programmes) Following the Maturity Examination
Gliwice County is responsible for 5 compexes of schools The System of Education in Poland
Under surveillance of Gliwice County -The Complex of Schools named I.J. Paderewski in Knurow; -The Complex of Schools named M. Konopnicka in Pyskowice; -The Complex of Vocational Schools No 2 in Knurow; -The Complex of Sepecial Schools in Knurow; -The Complex of Sepecial Schools in Pyskowice The System of Education in Poland
The Complex of Schools named I.J. Paderewski in Knurow -General Upper Secondary School: 399 pupils -Technical Upper Secondary School: 254 pupils The proffessions taught, i.e.: technician of ICT, technician - merchant, technician of economy System Edukacji w Polsce
The Complex of Schools named M. Konopnicka in Pyskowice -General Upper Secondary School: 99 pupils -Technical Upper Secondary School: 217 pupils The proffessions taught: technician of landscape architecture, technician - merchant, technician of ICT, technician of agri- bussiness, technician of economy -Basic Vocational School: 149 pupils System Edukacji w Polsce
The Complex of Vocational Schools No 2 in Knurow -General Upper Secondary School: 34 pupils -Technical Upper Secondary School: 236 pupils The proffessions taught, i.e.: technician - electrician, technician - mechanic, technician - miner, technician - merchant -Basic Vocational School: 278 pupils 56 proffessions taught, i.e.: confectioner, mechanic, hairdresser, butcher, beautician The System of Education in Poland
The Complex of Sepecial Schools in Knurow For handicaped pupils with different level of learning difficulties and disabilities -Primary school: 37 pupils -Lower Secondary School: 22 pupils -Special Vocational School: 15 pupils The System of Education in Poland
The Complex of Sepecial Schools in Pyskowice -Primary School: 74 pupils -Lower Secondary School: 62 pupils -Special Vocational School: 17 pupils -Basic Vocational School: 14 pupils The System of Education in Poland
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