CHAPTER 22 CARBOHYDRATES 22.1 INTRODUCTION 21.1A CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES Carbodydrares: polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Monosaccharides: simple carbohydrates cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller simpler carbohydrates.
Disaccharides: on a molecular basis, carbohydrates that undergo hydrolysis to produce only two molecules of monosaccharide. Trisaccharides: those carbohydrates that yield three molecules of monosaccharide. Polysaccharide: carbohydrates that yield a large number of molecules of monosaccharide (﹥10). Disaccharides Trisaccharides and Polysaccharide are easily Hydrolysis to monosaccharide .
Carbohydrares are the most abundant organic constitutes of plants. We encounter carbohydrates at almost every turn of our daily life. 21.1B PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND CARBOHYDRATE METABOLESM Carbohydrates are synthesized in green plants by photosynthesis:
Carbohydrates can be released energy when animals or plants metabolize them to carbon dioxide and water. Much of the energy is conserved in ATP. Plants and animals can use the energy of ATP to carry out all of their energy-requiring process. When the energy in ATP is used, a coupled reaction takes place in which ATP is hydrolyzed:
22.2 MONOSACCHARIDES 22.2A CLASSIFICATION OF MONOSACCHARIDES Monosaccharides are classified according to: The number of carbon atoms present in the molecular. whether they contain an aldehyde or keto group.
These two classification are frequently combined. For example:
22.2B D AND L DESIGNATIONS OF MONOSACCHARIDES Glyceraldehyde exists two enantiomeric forms which have the absolute configurations: (+)-Glyceraldehyde should be designated (R)-(+)- Glyceraldehyde and (-)-Glyceraldehyde should be designated (S)-(-)- Glyceraldehyde (section 5.5)
Other system designated (+)-Glyceraldehyde as D-(+)- Glyceraldehyde and (-)-Glyceraldehyde as L-(-)-Glyceraldehyde. D and L designations are not necessarily related to the optical rotations of the sugars to which they are applied.
Fisher projection formula: horizontal lines project out towards the 22.2C ATRUCTURAL FORMULAS FOR MONOSACCHARIDES Fisher projection formula: horizontal lines project out towards the reader and vertical lines project behind the plane of the page.
Open –chair structure (1, 2, or 3) exists equilibrium with two cyclic forms 4 and 5 or 6 and 7.
The cyclic forms of D-(+)-Glucose are hemiacetals formed by an intramolecular reaction of the –OH group at C-5 with the aldehyde group.
(1) These two cyclic forms are diastereomers that differ only in the configuration of C-1. (2) In carbohydrate chemistry diastereomers of this type are called anomers, and the hemiacetal carbon atom is called the anomeric Carbon atom ( 3) In the orientation shown the αanomer has the –OH down and the βanomer has the –OH up. (4) The actual conformations of the rings are the chair forms. In the β anomer of D-glucose, all of the large substituents, -OH, or –CH2OH , are equatorial. In the α anomer, the only bulky axial substituent is the -OH at C-1
22.3 MUTAROTATION The optical rotations of αand βforms are found to be significantly different,but when an aqueous solution of either form is allowed to stand, its rotation changed. Mutarotation: the change in rotation towards an equilibrium value.
Ordinary D-(+)-glucose has the α configuration at the anomeric carbon atom and that higher melting form has the βconfiguration. The percentage of the α andβanomers present at equilibrium.
22.4 GLYCOSIDE FORMATION When a small amount of gaseous hydrogen chloride is passed into a solution of D-(+)-glucose in methanol, the reaction as follows:
The mechanism for the formation of the methyl glucosides:
In acidic solutions, however, glycosides undergo hydrolysis to produce a sugar and alcohol:
22.5 REACTIONS OF MONOSACCHARIDES Dissolving monosaccharides in aqueous base causes them to undergo a series of keto-enol tauomerizations that lead to isomerizastions.
22.5A FORMATION OF ETHERS A methyl glucoside can be converted to the derivative by treating it with excess dimethyl sulfate in aqueous sodium hydroxide.
The methoxy groups at C-2,C-3,C-4 and C-6 atoms are stable in dilute aqueous acid, but C-1is different from the others because it is Part of an acetal linkage. Under dilute aqueous acid the methoxy group at C-1 will hydrolyze:
The oxygen at C-5 dose not bear a methyl group brcause it was originally a part of the cyclic hemiacetal linkage of D-glucose 25.5B CONVERSION TO ESTERS Under excess acetic anhydride and a weak base monosaccharide converts all of the hydroxyl groups to ester groups If the reaction is carried out at a low temperature, the reaction occurs stereospecifically:the αanomer gives the α-acetate and the βanomer gives the β-acetate.
22.5C CONVERSION TO CYCLIC ACETALS AND KETALS Aldehydes and ketones react with open-chain 1,2-diols to produce cyclic acetals and ketals. If the 1,2-diol is attached to a ring, as in a monosaccharide, formation of the cyclic acetal or ketal occurs only when the vicinal hydroxyl froups are cis to each other.
This reaction can be used to protect certain hydroxyl groups of a sugar while reactions are carried out on other parts of the molecule. 22.6 OXIDATION REACTIONS OF MONOSACCHARIDES The most important oxidizing agents are: Benedict’s or Tollens’ reagent bromine water nitric acid periodic acid.
Each of these reagents produces a different and usually specific effect. 22.6A BENEDICT’S OR TOLLENS’REAGENTS: REDUCING SUGARS Benedict’s and Tollens’ reagent give positive tests with aldoses and ketoses.
Sugars that give positive tests with Tollens’or Benedict’s solutions are known as reducing sugars, and all carbohydrates that contain a hemiacetal group or a hemoketal group give positive tests. Carbohydrates that contain only acetal or ketal group do not give positive tests with Tollens’or Benedict’s solution. But neither of these reagents is useful as a preparative reagent in carbohydrate oxidations. Oxidations with both reagents take place in alkaline solution, and in alkaline solutions sugars undergo a complex series of reactions that lead to isomerization.
22.6B BROMINE WATER: THE SYNTHESIS OF ALDONIC ACIDS Bromine water is a general reagent that selectively oxidizes -CHO group to a –COOH group. Bromine water specifically oxidizes the βanomer, and the initial product that forms is a δ–aldonolactone.
This compound may then hydrolyze to an aldonic acid, and the aldonic acid may undergo a subsequent ring closure to form a γ –aldonolactone.
22.6C NITRIC ACID OXIDATION:ALDARIC ACIDS Dilute nitric acid oxidizes both the –CHO group and the terminal -CH2OH group of an aldose to –COOH groups. It is not known whether a lactone is an intermediate in the oxidation of an aldose to an aldaric acid; however, aldaric acids from γandδ-lactones readily
The aldaric acid obtained from D-glucose is called D-glucaric acid
22.6D PERIODATE OXIDATIONS: OXIDATIVE CLEAVAGE OF POLYHYDROXY COMPOUNDS Compounds that have hydroxyl groups on adjacent atoms undergo oxidative cleavage when they are treated with aqueous periodic acid. Carbon-carbon bonds breaks and carbonyl compounds produced.
This reaction usually takes place in quantitative yield. By measuring the number of molar equivalents valuable that are consumed in the reaction, information can often be gained. 1. Three –CHOH groups : gives one molar equivalent of formiv acid and two equivalents of formaldehyde.
2. Oxidative cleavage also takes place when an –OH group is adjacent to the carbonyl group of an aldehyde or ketone(but no that of an acid or an ester).
3. Periodic acid dose not cleave compounds in which the hydroxyl groups are separated by an intervening –CH2 group, nor those in which a hydroxyl group is adiacent to an ether or acetal function. 22.7 REDUCTION OF MONOSACCHARIDES:ALDITOLS
Aldoses( and ketoses) can be reduced with sodium borohydride to compounds called alditols.
22.8 REACTIONS OF MONOSACCHARIDES WITH PHENYLHYDRAZINE: OSAZONES The aldehyde group of an aldose react with such carbonyl reagents as hydroxylamine and phenylhydrazine. Osazone formation results in a loss of the stereocenter at C-2 but dose not affect other stereocenters.
Kiliani-fischer synthesis: the method of lengthening the carbon chain of the an aldose.
We can be sure that the aldotetroses that we obtain from kiliani-fischer synthesis are both D sugar because the starting compound is D-glyceraldehyde and its stereocenter is unaffected. 22.9B THE RUFF DEGRADATION The Ruff degradation can be used to shorten the chain by a similar unit. The Ruff degradation involves: Oxidation of the aldose to an aldonic acid. Oxidative decarboxylation of the aldonic acid to the next lower aldose.
22.10 THE D FAMILY OF ALDOSES We can place all of the aldose into families or “family trees” based on their relation to D- or L-glyceraldehyde Most, but not all, of the naturally occurring aldose belong to the D family with D-(-)-glucose being by far the most common. 22.11 FISCHER’S PROOF OF THE CONFIGURATION OF D-(+)-GLUCOSE
Fischer’s assignment was based on the following reasoning. Nitric acid oxidation of (+)-glucose gives an optically active aldaric acid. (2) Degradation of (+)-glucose gives (-)-arabinose, and nitric acid oxidation of (-)-arabinose gives an optically active aldaric acid. (3) A Kiliani-Fischer synthesis beginning with (-)-arabinose gives (+)-glucose and (+)-mannose; nitric acid oxidation of (+)-mannose gives an optically active aldaric acid. (4) Fischer had already developed a method for effectively interchanging the two end groups(CHO and CH2OH) of an aldose chain.
22.12 DISACCHARIDES 22.12A SUCROSE Sucrose: the most widely occurring disaccharide of ordinary table sugar. Structure:
The structure of sucrose is based on the following evidence: Sucrose has the molecular formula C12H22O11 Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of 1 mol of sucrose yields 1 mol of D-glucose and 1 mol of D-frutose. Sucrose is a nonreducing sugar. Neither the glucose not the fructose portion of sucrose has a hemiacetal or hemiketal group, thus the two hexoses must have a glycoside linkage that involves C-1of glucose and C-2 of fructose. The hydrolysis of sucrose indicates an α configuration at the glucoside portion and an enzyme known to hydrolyze a β-fructofuranosides. Methylation of sucrose gives an octamethyl derivative that, on hydrolysis, gives 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-glucose and 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-fructose.
22.12B MATOSE Structure: or Notes:
When 1 mol of maltose is subjected to acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, it yield 2 mol of D-(+)-glucose. Maltose is a reducing sugar. Maltose exists in two anomeric forms: α-(+)-maltose, , and β-(+)-maltose, Maltose reacts with bromine water to form a monocarboxylic acid, maltose acid. Methylation of maltose acid followed by hydrolysis gives 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-glucose and 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-methyl-D- gluconic acid. Methylation of maltose itself, followed by hydrolysis, gives 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-glucose and 2,3,4,6-tri-O-methyl- D-glucose.
22.12C CELLOBIOSE Structure:
or Notes: Cellobiose is a reducing sugar. Cellobiose also undergoes mutarotation and forms a phenylosazone. Cellobiose is hydrolyzed by β-glucosidases. This is indicate that the glycosidic linkage in cellobiose is β. 22.12D LACTOSE Lactose is a reducing sugar that hydrolyzes to yield D-glucose and D-galactose; the glycosidic linkage is β.
Structure: or 22.13 POLYSACCHARIDES
Homopolysaccharides: polysaccharides that are polymers of a single monosaccharide. Heteropolysaccharides: those made up of more than one type of monosaccharide. Glucan: a homopolysaccharide consisting of glucose monomeric units. Galactan: a homopolysaccharide consisting of galactose units Three important polysaccharides, all of which are glucans, glycogen, starch and cellulose.
22.13A STARCH Heating starch with water produce amylose (10-20%)and amylopectin(80-90%). Structure of amylose: In amylopectin the chains are branched. Branching takes place between C-6 and C-1at intervals of 20-25 glucose units.
Partical structure of amylopectin: The molecular weight is about 1-6 milion, include hundreds of interconnecting chains of 20-25 glucose units.
22.13B GLYCOGEN In glycogen the chain are much more highly branched and the molecular weights as high as 100 million. The size and structure of glycogen suits its function: Its size makes it too large to across cell membranes. The structure of glycogen solves the enormous of osmotic pressure within the cell. (3) The high branch structure of glycogen simplify the cell’s logistical problems. Glucose (from glycogen) is highly water soluble and as an ideal Source of “ready energy”.
22.13C CELLULOSE A portion of cellulose structure: Special property: The outside –OH groups are ideally situated to “zip” the chains make together by forming hydrogen bonds.
Zipping many cellulose chains together in this way gives a highly insoluble. 22.13D CELLULOSE DERIVATIVES Most of the cellulose derivatives include two or three free hydroxyl groups of each glucose unit which have been converted to an eater or an ether. Rayon is made by treating cellulose with carbon disulfide in base solution.
The solution of cellulose xanthate is then passed through a small Orifice or slit into an acidic solution. 22.14 OTHER BIOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT SUGARS Uronic acids: monosaccharide derivatives in which the –CH2OH group at C-6 has been specifically oxidized to a carboxyl group. For example:
Deoxy sugars: monosaccharides in which an –OH group has been replaced by –H. 22.15 SUGARS THAT CONTAIN NITROGEN 22.15A GLYCOSYLAMINES
Glycosylamine: sugars in which an amino group replaces the anomeric –OH. For example: Nucleoside: glycosylamines in which the amino component is a pyrimidine or a purine and in which the sugar component is either D-ribose or 2-deoxy-D-ribose. 22.15B AMINO SUGARS
Amino sugar: a sugar in which an amino group replaces a nonanomeric –OH group. D-glucosamine can be obtained by hydrolysis of chitin. The repeating units in chitin is N-acetylglucosamine and the glycosidic linkages are β, 1:4. The structure of chitin is smaller than that of cellulose. D-glucosamine can also be isolated from heparin.
22.16 GLYCOLIIPIDS AND GLYCOPROTEINS OF THE CELL SURFACE Glycolipids: the carbohydrates joined through gltcosidic linkages to lipids. Glycoproteins: the carbohydrates joined through gltcosidic linkages to proteins. Glycolipids and glycoproteins on the cells are known to be the agents by which cells interact with other cells and with invading bacteria and viruses. The A,B and O blood types are determined, respectively, by the A, B and H determinants on the blood cell surface.
The A,B and H antigens differ only in the monodacchride units at their nonreducing ends. Type A antigens carry anti-B antibodies in their serum; type B antigens carry anti-A antibodies in their serum; type AB cells have both A and B antigens but have neither anti-A nor anti-B antigens; type O cells have neither A nor B antigens but have both anti-A and anti-B antigens. 22.17 CARBOHYDRATE ANTIBIOTICS Streptomycin: isolation of the carbohydrate antibiotic.
Streptomycin is made up of the following three subunits: Other members of this family are antibiotics called kanamycins, neomycins, and gentamicins. All are based on an amino cyclitol linked to one or more amino augars. The glycosidic linkage is nearly always α.