Read Sections 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7 before viewing the slide show.
Unit 26 Strengths of Acids and Bases (Chapter 7) Acid and Base Strength (7.4) Neutralization Reactions (7.5) pH Scale (7.6) Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs (7.7)
Acid Strengths (7.4) Recall that an acid reaction with water may be written generally as: HA (aq) + H 2 O (ℓ) → A - (aq) + H 3 O + (aq) Any acid reacting with water will undergo the same sort of reaction but possibly to a different degree. Acids may be classified as strong or weak depending on the extent to which they break apart. Strong acids: A strong acid will undergo the reaction above to about 100% to form the A - and the H 3 O +. The only seven important strong acids are HCl, HBr, HI, HNO 3, H 2 SO 4, HClO 3, and HClO 4. Weak acids: A weak acid will only undergo the reaction above to small extent – maybe 5%. Acids that are not one of the seven above will be classified as weak acids. Examples include HF, HNO 2, HC 2 H 3 O 2, and any acid not in the list of seven strong acids above.
Base Strengths (7.4) The distinction between strong and weak bases is similar to that between strong and weak acids: A strong base is completely ionized in water A weak base is only slightly ionized in water Examples: Examples of strong bases include NaOH as well as any of the other alkali metal (Group 1) hydroxides. Group 2 hydroxides are also strong bases except for Be(OH) 2 and Ca(OH) 2. One of the primary examples of a weak base is NH 3. It reacts with water according to the following equation: The lopsided arrows indicate that most of the NH 3 stays as NH 3 with only a small portion being converted to NH thus, the ionization does not occur to a large extent making NH 3 a weak base.
pH Scale (7.6) The concentration of H 3 O + is usually fairly small, even in an acidic solution. The concentration of H 3 O + is best expressed in scientific notation, but that gets a little cumbersome sometimes. Acidity of a solution is usually expressed in terms of a scale called the pH scale. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with lower numbers being acidic, 7 being neutral, and numbers greater than 7 representing basic solutions. Pictorially: Mathematically the scale is logarithmic with the relationship governing it as: We won’t do any calculations with this, but it is interesting to note it is the same sort of scale used for the Ricther scale for determining the magnitude of earthquakes and the decibel scale used to determine sound levels. A difference in pH of one unit means the concentration of H 3 O + in the solution with the lower pH is ten times greater than that in the one with the higher pH. A difference in pH of three units (e.g., 8 compared to 5) means that the concentration of H 3 O + in the pH 5 solution is 10 3 (=1000) times greater than that in the pH 8 solution. pH Molarity
pH Scale Cont. (7.6) It is relatively easy to get an idea of [H 3 O + ] from the pH. If the pH is 6.5, for example, the [H 3 O + ] is between and M. Just consider the exponents. Going the other way, from [H 3 O + ] to pH, again involves looking at the exponent. If the [H 3 O + ]=2.4 × M the pH will be 8 minus a number between 0 and 1, meaning between 7 and 8. It will be below the numeric value of the exponent. To get an idea of the acidity of different materials, go to the simulation at: and either download it or hit the Run Now button. You can select different materials by selecting the drop-down box above the faucet on the left of the simulation. As you select different substances, notice what happens to the red bar to the right of the simulation (the [H 3 O + ]) and notice that the blue bar [OH - ] always goes in the opposite direction. Also observe the behavior of the red and blue bars as the pH is raised and lowered using the slider toward the middle of the simulation. pH Molarity
Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs (7.7) A pair of compounds that differ only in the presence of a H + are called a Brønsted-Lowry conjugate acid- base pair. The member of the pair that has the H + is called the acid of the pair and the other is the base. Examples: Solutions made by combining a weak acid with its conjugate base or a weak base with its conjugate acid are called buffer solutions. A buffer solution is much more resistant to changes in pH with additions of small amounts of strong acid or base than when the strong acids or bases are added to a solution of just one of the components. Your blood is a wonderful example of a buffered solution. Consider variety of food that you eat and the constant metabolic processes in your body – with all of that, the pH of blood is 7.4 and does not change significantly from this value. Acid (has the extra H + )Base HClCl - H 2 SO 4 HSO 4 - H2OH2OOH - NH 4 + NH 3 HNO 3 NO 3 -