Academic Analytics: Obtaining Benchmarks for Faculty Productivity Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information
Academic Analytics has compiled a massive database of journal articles, books, chapters, grants, honors, awards, etc. The scholarly output is matched by name with faculty and researchers at schools nationwide The database can be used to quantify scholarly output at any university – by discipline – and compare it to peers Overview of AA
Books Honorific awards Journal Articles Citations Grants AA Database contents - Measures
9,874 PhD programs 385 institutions, 170,000+ faculty 172 disciplines in 11 broad fields 22 AAU institutions actively participate, 30 others considering Database Scope
56,000 authored & edited books (Baker & Taylor, Library of Congress, British Library) Books per faculty member # Faculty who published a book % of faculty with a book Total number of books Book Variables
1 million+ articles (journals, and conference proceedings) Articles per author Articles per faculty member # Faculty with an article % of Faculty with an article Total number of articles Journal Article Variables
10 million + Citations (Scopus & Proquest) Citations per author Citations per article Citations per faculty member # Faculty with a citation % of Faculty with a citation Total number of citations Citations
395 awarding bodies, award types Awards per faculty member # Faculty with an award % of Faculty with an award Total number of awards Honorific Awards
95,000+ federal research grants Dollars per Grant Grant dollars per faculty member # of Faculty with a grant % of Faculty with a grant Total Grant dollars Total number of grants Grants Variables
Summer, 2011 – AA contract signed 9/13/11: preliminary set of faculty lists submitted to AA – Fall, 2009 faculty AA matches our faculty to its database Data will be available shortly Process
Summary data by department or broad disciplinary area (not by faculty member) Comparisons to selected peers Access to entire scrubbed database Analytical tools through a dashboard interface Academic Analytics Output
Select peer schools/depts Select level of analysis ( specific discipline, broad discipline, entire campus) Select measures Select display types – graphical/table Academic Analytics Dashboard
Sample Graphical Output
Appoint Steering Committee Train Steering Committee Roll out dashboard to units Prepare Fall 2010 faculty list Next steps
5-9 individuals Willing to undergo several hours of training on the dashboard use Refine faculty selection process/criteria Oversee rollout to college/dept staff Evaluate tool Steering Committee