Clear and Credible Plan Quarter 3 update Liane Langdon Director of Commissioning and Strategic Development Together we’re better.


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Presentation transcript:

Clear and Credible Plan Quarter 3 update Liane Langdon Director of Commissioning and Strategic Development Together we’re better

Together we’re better Key deliverables Commission improved support in alcohol services Review how we provide autism services Increase expert patient programmes Further improve hypertension diagnosis Increase uptake of screening and NHS Health Checks Improve how we systematically gather and use ‘soft intelligence’ from our population Evidence our patient engagement – and check whether it’s good enough

Together we’re better Commission improved support in alcohol services Two training programmes have taken place to increase the number of primary care professionals accessing the alcohol RGCP training to improve the management of Chronic Heart Disease (CHD). Additional resources put in place include Health Trainers and Addiction Dependency Solutions (ADS) workers commissioned in some of our most deprived areas and practice champions being identified in several practices following a successful pilot in St Martins. In its commitment to address alcohol concerns, the additional investment to provide more ADS has resulted in more than 24,000 alcohol screenings of patients, resulting in over 1900 brief interventions.

Together we’re better Review how we provide autism services An autism assessment and diagnosis pathway is being developed and will be completed later in the year. It is anticipated that this will be launched in early October In addition work is also being undertaken to identify what range and type of post diagnostic support is required. It is further anticipated that this will be completed with proposals for a service model also in early autumn 2014.

Together we’re better Increase expert patient programmes A business case has been drafted for 3 CCG approval and funding in Quarter 4 which will change the current structured patient education programmes to move to a rolling basis and become more accessible.

Together we’re better Further improve hypertension diagnosis Further work has taken place on our local Quality Premium on the identification of patients with hypertension, training took place in September on diagnosis and management. 18 practices sent staff, 30 staff attended, this session was also run at the Leeds North Council of Members for GPs. Leeds North is currently on target to achieve doubling the number of patients on the hypertension register. Freed up resources have been used to ensure that all practices now have 24 hour Blood Pressure monitors to diagnose hypertension.

Together we’re better Increase uptake of screening and NHS Health Checks Increasing the uptake of screening compliments the drive for patients to undergo the NHS Health-check and data around cervical screening is being shared with practices to assess progress and address need.

Together we’re better Improve how we systematically gather and use ‘soft intelligence’ from our population Key to build on the patient experiences already captured, a city- wide database has been set up to capture all patient feedback by the Communications and Engagement team A new system has been established to record feedback from GPs and their patients

Together we’re better Evidence our patient engagement – and check whether it’s good enough Governance arrangements have been strengthened further with a patient from each practice coming together for the first Practice Reference Group meeting. The Patient Assurance Group has agreed a handbook for their roles and received training from Leeds Involving People. Engagement through all of these structures has been key in developing our approach to local commissioning intentions ahead of the National Planning round in Quarter 4. The Leeds North website has promoted the local commissioning choices to the public and feedback will be used to inform planning.

Together we’re better Key deliverables for Quarter 4 Improve equity of access to hospice and pathways of care services across the city CCG involved in the development of a new MH Strategic Plan Checking practice coding and reviewing people recorded with mild cognitive concerns A replacement adult social care IT system Immediate transfer of information about a patient before they attend a service The delivery of a Leeds Care Record; a shared electronic record, centred round the citizen/patient, that will enable the better integration of health and social care across organisations and thus across the city