Began in 1850’s and 1860’s Advances in chemical, electrical, and steel industries Henry Bessemer developed a cheaper, more efficient method of producing steel › Bessemer Process › Durable, strong, flexible steel led to a revolution in construction, shipbuilding, etc.
Improvements in Medical technologies › Anesthesia first used in 1840’s › Louis Pasteur : germ theory (1860’s) › Robert Koch : identifies the bacteria responsible for Tuberculosis › Wilhelm Rontgen : discovers the X-Ray › Use of organic chemistry to create dyes, soaps, and pharmaceuticals
Preventative measures lead to better health › Chemicals used to kill disease-carrying rodents › Construction of better sewage systems › Contagious Disease Act: required prostitutes to undergo examinations for contagious diseases those with disease were hospitalized Those who refused faced legal prosecution
Scientific Advancements › Use of Chemicals to create fertilizers leads to increased agricultural productivity › Dmitri Mendeleev : periodic table › Max Planck: Quantum Theory (p 757) › Albert Einstein: Theory of Relativity, E=MC2 › Marie Curie: isolated Radium › Ernest Rutherford: discovers alpha and beta radiation, describes structure of atom
Mass Transportation systems expand › Railroad construction continues › Subways in large cities › Roads constructed for automobiles Private Transportation › Carl Benz constructed a small automobile › Rudolf Diesel : produced the first successful kerosene-fueled engine › Henry Ford began to produce more affordable vehicles (Model T) Wright Brothers : first successful flight in 1903
Tourism and Travel Photography Radio Silent Films Shopping: consumerism and mass culture Sports › Modern Olympics began in 1896
Rapid Population growth › Better nutrition › Better medical knowledge › Infant mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases Contraception use more widespread › Birth rates decline › Abortion common despite the fact that it was illegal and dangerous › P. 760