RTF Survey 2009 Evaluation of Results RTF Board Meeting December 10, 2009
35 out of 38 National Representatives of the Radiology Trainees Forum (RTF) submitted the survey, which consists of 32 questions. => 92.1 % response rate Responses missing from: Montenegro, Norway, Serbia
Section 1 – General information on residency 1. In which country do you currently undergo your residency? All respondents indicated the country they represent except for the Icelandic delegate who currently undergoes his residency in Sweden.
2. How many years does the radiology residency take in your country? 4.3 average 3. In which year of your residency are you at the moment? 3.5 average
4. Does your residency conform to the ESR curriculum guidelines? % No, the structure of my residency is as follows: % Yes, according to the current ESR curriculum % Yes, according to national guidelines.
5. Do you partake in on-call duties (emergency duties out of regular working hours)? % Yes % No. If yes, please specify in what year you commence assuming on-call duties: 5.4 average
6. Please tick the kind of experience below that is included in your training and specify the respective duration in weeks: (multiple responses possible) %a neuroradiology experience 17.7 weeks average %a paediatric experience 12 weeks average %a nuclear medicine experience 5.9 weeks average
7. What is the approximate staff-to-resident- proportion in your residency programme? number of staff members:25.4 average number of residents: 11.1 average
8. Did you choose the radiology residency for one or more of the following reasons? (multiple responses possible) %Quickly evolving imaging technologies %Option of interventional work with less patient care %The experience that I have made with radiology during my training at my medical school %Attractive working hours/possibility of a part- time job %Other reason, please specify %Attractive payment.
9. Do you feel that radiology has been represented adequately (in the form of seminars, lectures etc.) during your medical training? 60 % No. 40 % Yes.
10. Is a radiology residency regarded as a popular/attractive choice amongst medical students in your country compared to other specialties (e.g. surgery, internal medicine)? %No %Yes
11. Please specify the approximate popularity of a radiology residency in your country on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 – low, 5 – high): 2.86 % % % % %5
12. How many radiology residents are there approximately in your country? average 13. Do you have their contact details? % No % Yes.
14. Is there a national platform for radiology residents in your country (e.g. national radiology residents’ meeting, etc.) to exchange information? % No % Yes.
15. How are training standards regulated in your country? %By a national body 5.71 %By a regional body 20 %By a local training scheme
16. Is there a formal “theoretical” training of residents (e.g. master training organized by university, interuniversity training programme with lectures, only a local training programme, a training programme for national residents, etc.)? % Yes % No.
17. How many teaching centres are there approximately in your country? 16.8 average % of the respondents gave us the name and contact details of the national bodies which could provide us with the contact details of these teaching centres.
Section 2 – Undergraduate Teaching 19. Is radiology a formal part of undergraduate radiology training? % Yes % No.
20. Is undergraduate radiology training performed as part of a module? % No % Yes.
21. Is undergraduate radiology training performed as a separate subject? % Yes % No.
22. Do residents participate in teaching radiology to medical students in your hospital? % Yes % No.
23. Does your hospital offer seminars in preparation of these teaching obligations? % No % Yes.
24. Are residents involved in teaching anatomy? % No % Yes.
Section 3 - Knowledge of RTF (Radiology Trainees Forum) and ESR (European Society of Radiology) 25. Do the residents in your country know about the existence/activities of RTF? % Yes % No.
26. Do the residents in your country generally know about the link between RTF (Radiology Trainees Forum) and the European Society of Radiology (ESR)? % Yes % No.
27. Please tick the ESR e-learning tools that the residents in your country usually know of and use (multiple responses possible): 60 %EPOS (Electronic Presentation Online System) 60 %EURORAD (Radiological Case Database) %EDIPS download (ECR’s Digital Preview System)
28.Do the residents in your country use eLearning regularly? % Yes % No.
29.Do the residents in your country use electronic self-assessment tools in order to prove their knowledge/skills? % Yes % No.
30.Do the residents of your country know of the ESR “Invest in the Youth Programme” which allows residents to attend the ECR (European Congress of Radiology) free of charge on a first come, first served basis? %Yes %No.
31.Are the residents in your country aware of the activities of the European School of Radiology (ESOR) (e.g. sponsored scholarships/ fellowships)? %Yes %No.
32.Do you have any comments/suggestions that you would like to make? %No %Yes.