Symposium on Transitions Success Pathways to Student Success
Why pathways? Facilitating pathways Programs of Study CTE transitions activities Student articulation processes and credit by exam C-ID and CTE Overview of CTE Transitions
It’s the right thing to do – for students, for the state, for employers. Significant investments have been made in facilitating the establishment of such pathways – it is critical that they meet their potential. Perkins funding… Why pathways?
Local Education Agency (LEA) … must provide at least one program of study that incorporates secondary and postsecondary elements; includes coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant CTE in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with postsecondary education to adequately prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education; and leads to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree. Perkins Language
Keys to development AND effectiveness? Simplicity. −Clear messaging. −Simple process. Portability. −HS > CCC −Between CCCs Productivity. Facilitating Establishment of Pathways
Project of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges SB 70 (2005) Education Code § Improving linkages and CTE pathways between HS and CCC Statewide Career Pathways (SCP)
SB1070 (2012), Education Code § Established the CTE Pathways Program Develop and strengthen linkages and CTE pathways between HS and CCC to accomplish specified objectives Included separate marketing campaign − Statewide Career Pathways (SCP)
Program of Study (PoS) Templates − SCP convenes faculty to develop templates − PoS templates facilitate relationship discussion − Articulation and dual enrollment are part of PoS discussion Local Programs of Study are developed as a result of a local relationship between institutions Statewide Programs of Study
High School Courses College Coursework: C-ID Course numbers College Activities Occupations specific to discipline Certifications, Degrees, Outcomes CTE transition activities: − Dual Enrollment − Concurrent Enrollment − Articulation Programs of Study include
CTE transition activities: − Dual Enrollment − Concurrent Enrollment − Articulation Programs of Study include
High School students taking college courses on the high school campus for credit with both institutions. Can be complicated to initiate Detailed policy and protocols required Dual Enrollment
High school students taking college courses for college credit. No MOU is in place, typically High schools may allow credit Concurrent Enrollment
What is articulation? Why articulation versus other K12 >>> CCC transition pathways? What does articulation do and not do? − Local requirements versus credit granting How is articulation created and implemented − Agreements and processes Articulation Basics
Articulation Templates − SCP convenes faculty to develop templates − Articulation templates facilitate articulation discussion − Local agreements also housed in online repository Local agreements are generated based on approved templates between a secondary school and a post-secondary institution, usually a community college Agreement Templates
Similar components to a course outline of record: − Course description − Prerequisite − Course Content − Competencies and Skills requirements − Measurement Methods − Sample Textbook − End of Course assessment detail is key piece Articulation Agreements
Articulation − Only waives local requirements – pre/corequisites, placement, etc. − Does not earn college credit – but can be the basis for allowing credit by exam (CBE) Articulation VS Credit By Exam (CBE)
Credit By Exam (CBE) − Students complete proficiency/mastery exam for college credit. − Evaluation must be developed by appropriate faculty − Evaluation may be proctored Process and procedures must be clear White Paper on best practices available: papers Articulation VS Credit By Exam (CBE)
Students not getting credit. Why not? Potential fixes? Credit by Exam – Issues and Challenges
C-ID − Course Identification Numbering System − Descriptors describe courses Transfer Model Curricula in CTE − “TMC” − – response to SB 1440 Model Curricula − Certificates − “Terminal” degrees C-ID and CTE
What are the best practices from today that can most impact our students in the HS - CC pipeline? What are practices currently in place that are counter to student success that may need adjustment? What are the barriers to creating a best practice policy/protocol on my campus? How can those issues be resolved? Questions to Consider Today
Thank you − For papers and this presentation Questions
Michelle L. Pilati, Ph.D. Faculty Coordinator, C-ID ( Immediate Past President, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Professor of Psychology, Rio Hondo College Kris Costa Articulation Liaison, Statewide Pathways Project Academic Senate for California Community Colleges