Welcome CTE Professional Development Day! We are so glad you are with us! Agenda for today: Intro by Micheal Thompson Intro by Micheal Thompson Perkins Updates: Technical Skill Attainment and Negotiated Targets Perkins Updates: Technical Skill Attainment and Negotiated Targets Literacy in CTE (Nicole Bates-Childs) Literacy in CTE (Nicole Bates-Childs) Math in CTE (Jill Johnson) Math in CTE (Jill Johnson) Power Standards Presentation Power Standards Presentation CTE Wiki demonstration CTE Wiki demonstration Break Break Content Group work Content Group work Identifying Power Standards for each CTE Course Identifying Power Standards for each CTE Course Complete 1 Matrix per CTE Content Area Complete 1 Matrix per CTE Content Area Unwrap each Power Standard for each CTE Course (we will continue this 11/13/09) Unwrap each Power Standard for each CTE Course (we will continue this 11/13/09) Lunch (on your own) Lunch (on your own) Content Group work (continue above) Content Group work (continue above)
Perkins Negotiated Targets for CTE Students (2 CTE Courses in a Content area) Indicator 2007/08 State Proposed Target SPPS Proposed Acad Attaint – Reading 42.17% 48.17%48.17% Acad Attaint – Math13.08% 35.08%23.08%
What is our plan to improve student achievement over this year? 1. Identify Power Standards in all CTE Courses 2. Dig deep into each Power Standard to determine a greater understanding of what students are expected to do (Unwrapping the Standard) 3. Create common assessments aligned across the district for each Standard
Power, Priority, or Essential Standards for CTE
Currently students are expected to meet 200 National and State standards and 3093 benchmarks in 14 subject areas So many standards, So little time! How can teachers effectively teach and assess them all?
Trends in Math and Science Studies (TIMSS) Report Math topics Math topics US - 78 in 180 days US - 78 in 180 days Japan – 17 in 253 days Japan – 17 in 253 days Germany – 23 in 220 days Germany – 23 in 220 days Length of Textbooks Length of Textbooks US – 4 th grade Math – 530 pages US – 4 th grade Math – 530 pages International Math – 170 pages International Math – 170 pages US – 4 th grade Science – 397 pages US – 4 th grade Science – 397 pages International Science – 125 pages International Science – 125 pages
What ARE Priority Standards?
Priority Standards are the “Safety Net” Curriculum Power Standards are the “Safety Net” curriculum and are defined as “a very limited set of learning objectives organized for each grade and each subject. It is not the total curriculum – just the “safety net” that every teacher should ensure that every student knows.” Power Standards are the “Safety Net” curriculum and are defined as “a very limited set of learning objectives organized for each grade and each subject. It is not the total curriculum – just the “safety net” that every teacher should ensure that every student knows.” Focuses on student learning not mere coverage Focuses on student learning not mere coverage Few objectives rather than exposure to many objectives Few objectives rather than exposure to many objectives
Why Power Standards? Increase student achievement Increase student achievement Need to have consistent district wide standards for the same courses taught at the different high schools Need to have consistent district wide standards for the same courses taught at the different high schools Narrow the focus of National and State Standards Narrow the focus of National and State Standards Industrial Tech uses ITEA standards for technology literacy Industrial Tech uses ITEA standards for technology literacy Business uses National Business standards Business uses National Business standards FACS uses National standards FACS uses National standards
How do we decide which of our Standards are Power Standards?
Determine: Which course-specific standards are critical for our students to know and understand to be prepared for the next level of learning? Which course-specific standards are critical for our students to know and understand to be prepared for the next level of learning? Which of these standards based on our state test data – do we especially need to emphasize? (Where can CTE infuse literacy and Math) Which of these standards based on our state test data – do we especially need to emphasize? (Where can CTE infuse literacy and Math) Which of these standards represent necessary life skills? Which of these standards represent necessary life skills?
Priority Standards Selection Criteria Consider looking at all the standards through the common “lens” of: Consider looking at all the standards through the common “lens” of: Endurance, Leverage and Readiness for next level of learning Endurance, Leverage and Readiness for next level of learningOR What students need for success – in School (This year, next year and so on), in Life (Concepts and skills that endure), and on State Tests (MCA, Grad tests, SAT, ACT and Accuplacer) What students need for success – in School (This year, next year and so on), in Life (Concepts and skills that endure), and on State Tests (MCA, Grad tests, SAT, ACT and Accuplacer)
Priority Standards Process Step 1: Determine 3 – 12 priority standards based on professional judgment for each course syllabi – collaborate with other instructors teaching same course Step 2: Complete the Collaborative Decision Matrix as a group (one per content area)
Collaborative Decision-Making Matrix Rational for doing the Matrix: – Justify and keep CTE classes in SPPS by showing our alignment to high stakes tests, MCA II, ACT, Accuplacer – Justify our selection of the power standard by showing how it relates to school and life
Example Step 1 – Select unit Career Exploration Step 2 – Identify priority standards
Step 2 in the Process: Unwrapping the Standards we selected as Priority Identifying what Students Must Know and Be Able To Do in the Wording of the Standards Identifying what Students Must Know and Be Able To Do in the Wording of the Standards
Process for Unwrapping Standards: Step 1: Select Important Instructional Topic (approx month long unit) In the example we used Career Exploration Step 2: Identify Matching Priority Standards Step 3: “Unwrap” Selected Priority Standards Step 4: Create Graphic Organizer Step 5: Determine the Big Ideas Step 6: Write the Essential Questions
Step 3: Unwrap using Career Exploration example What does unwrap a standard mean? Definition of “unwrapping”: The analysis of standards and expectations to determine exactly what students need to: Know (concepts) – the important nouns – Identify concepts (nouns) by underlining them Be able to do (skills) – the verbs – Identify skills (verbs) by circling them Through particular context (selected learning activities)
Step 3: Unwrap Selected Standards Identify and apply necessary skills to seek, obtain, maintain and change employment. Understand the career planning process and develop an understanding of the relationship between educational preparation and career planning All work experience students will know the essential rights and responsibilities associated with paid or non-paid work experiences
Example Unwrapping the Standard: FACS Child Development Standard: Analyze career paths within early childhood, education, and services. Benchmarks A) Determine the roles and functions of individuals engaged in early childhood, education, and services. B) Explore opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. C) Examine education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in early childhood, education and services.
Step 4: Create Graphic Organizer Enables you to represent each of the “unwrapped” concepts and skills in a way that makes sense to you Reveals “at a glance” all the learning targets (concepts and skills) Referencing graphic organizer sharply focuses instruction and assessment Should be able to teach from the Organizer
Graphic Organizer Template Examples
Career Exploration Standard: Analyze career paths within early childhood, education, and services. Benchmarks A) Determine the roles and functions of individuals engaged in early childhood, education, and services. B) Explore opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. C) Examine education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in early childhood, education and services.
Where will you find the tools you need to complete this work? The CTE Wiki Site! “What is a Wiki you might ask?” “What is a Wiki you might ask?”
Your assignment today, Oct 23rd: Select Priority Standards Select Priority Standards From Syllabi, Narrow CTE standards to essential concepts. Add math and Literacy when ever possible. Using the current spps sylabi, circle or provide a list of Priority Standards for each CTE course (if no change from current syllabi, indicate that) This must be turned in group leader today. From Syllabi, Narrow CTE standards to essential concepts. Add math and Literacy when ever possible. Using the current spps sylabi, circle or provide a list of Priority Standards for each CTE course (if no change from current syllabi, indicate that) This must be turned in group leader today. Create Decision Matrix for each CTE program area on the Wiki site Create Decision Matrix for each CTE program area on the Wiki site Begin to Unwrap Standards Begin to Unwrap Standards Pick month long unit or topic and matching standard Pick month long unit or topic and matching standard Underline nouns, circle verbs and identify activity Underline nouns, circle verbs and identify activity Create Graphic Organizer Create Graphic Organizer Add Big Ideas Add Big Ideas Add Essential Questions Add Essential Questions Upload it to the Wiki site Upload it to the Wiki site
Group Leaders Brian Reinhardt (Communications) Room 110 Nicole Bates-Childs/Allison Zaccardi (FACS) Room 221 Ethan Laubach (Construction) Room 112 Trevor Rolfes (Automotive) Room 121 Mark Head (PLTW/Drafting) Room 139 * change from agenda Carey Schroeder (Work Based Learning) Room 206 Lisa DeLong (Business) Room 204