Who is Smarter? Academic or CTE Students? Jack Elliot Jim Knight The University of Arizona
Evaluating Achievement Widely used standardized tests may be hampering efforts to improve math and science education, and they hurt minority students the most (Clark Kerr, President Emeritus U. of CA)
Is there a crisis? Seldom in the course of policymaking in the U.S. have so many firm convictions held by so many been based on so little convincing proof. (Susan Chirca, 1992)
Educational Myth # 4 People who enter teaching have little ability and receive poor education.
Myth #4…Conclusions Lower SAT Scores, but it is not a good predictor Actually, pre-service educators are in the top 30% in educational level Over 50% have graduate degrees Most of their education is NOT in colleges of education
Educational Myth # 3 American schools fail in international comparisons.
Myth #3…Conclusions Most comparisons are affected by sampling biases, system differences & inconsistent data collection methods Comparisons of technical workforces & the general populace reflect well on US education “The opportunity to learn is the single most powerful predictor of student achievement.”
Myth #3 mathematical comparison
Myth #3 mathematical comparison 9 th grade Japan algebra USA remedial USA typical USA prealgebra USA algebra
Educational Myth # 2 Post secondary performance has declined.
Myth #2…Conclusions There is higher participation (enrollment) by all groups of people in post secondary education. This should be applauded as more people are taking the opportunity to pursue higher education.
Educational Myth # 1 Achievement is on the decline. More money will not improve achievement.
Myth #1 Standardized Tests Performance on standardized tests is steady or improving Declining average SAT results underscore that a more diverse MIX of students is taking the test. (Simpson’s Paradox). Average performance of minority and urban students remains low in spite of improvements over the past 20 years.
Myth # 1 SAT Educational Spending Does NOT Improve Achievement –Top 5 states (relatively low spenders on education) Iowa North Dakota South Dakota Utah Minnesota –#39 – New Jersey (#1 spender on education)
Myth # 1 % who took SAT Top 5 states (relatively low spenders on education) –5% Iowa –6% North Dakota –6% South Dakota –4% Utah –10% Minnesota #39 – New Jersey (#1 spender on education) 76% ? What about diversity?
Myth # 1 SAT Math 89% of the variability in students’ math scores can be accounted for with 4 variables: –Number of parents in the home –Level of parental education –Type of community –Poverty rates for ages 5-17 (Robinson & Brandon, 1994)
High Stakes Testing State Measure Only Stanford9
Objective: to compare the Stanford9 test scores between career and technical education and non- career and technical education students while controlling for extraneous variables: –learning styles, special populations, gender, race, and ethnicity.
Methodology Static Group Comparison Stanford9 scores Arizona graduates (year 2000) from an urban, suburban and rural school –CTE program concentrators –All other students
Principle of Control To estimate the true effect of a factor using survey data one MUST control, in the analysis, for the effects of other crucial factors that can affect the relationship.
Extraneous Variables Gender Race/Ethnicity Special Populations Learning Styles
Data Sources Schools –Learning styles –IVEP eligibility Arizona Dept. of Ed. –CTE: concentrator, gender, race ethnicity, IVEP services received –Academic: Stanford9 scores
Results: race FrequencyPercent White Black652.7 Hispanic American Indian381.6 Asian632.6 Other Missing Total2440
Results: gender FrequencyPercent male female Missing2.1 Total2440
Results: Is it a fair comparison? No, CTE students scored lower (149/258) than other students (165/258) on the Stanford9 Yet, when the extraneous variables were added to the equation there was NO DIFFERENCE between the 2 groups
Results: Is it a fair comparison? Associated with lower scores: –Black, Hispanic or other male –Hispanic female –Kinesthetic Learner
Results: Is it a fair comparison? Associated with higher scores: –Visual Learner –Auditory Learner
Conclusions CTE students do worse than other students on high stakes tests However, when appropriate extraneous variables are built into the equation and controlled for, there is NO DIFFERENCE between the 2 groups The 2 groups are simply different.
Implications If extraneous variables are not understood and controlled for, then CTE will not have a very positive future.
Recommendations CTE Administrators and Teachers must understand the problems associated with raw score comparisons CTE state leaders must utilize this type of information: –To develop CTE promotional materials –To create alternative assessments
Overall Conclusion… More Research is Needed Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.(James Madison, 1822)