Performance-Based Monitoring and Interventions April 3, 2008
PBMAS Overview The development of the 2008 PBMAS is underway. There are significant changes for this year, many of which are the result of new assessments. Some 2008 PBMAS decisions will be contingent on decisions that will be made in the state and federal accountability systems for 2008.
3 Reminder on Acronyms PL = Performance Level RI = Required Improvement SA = Special Analysis PJSA = Professional Judgment Special Analysis
4 The State Accountability System’s Phase-in Cycle of TAKS (Accommodated) and TAKS Grade 8 Science Performance Results (Report, Report, Use) 2006 Report Only for: Science (5, 8, 10, 11) Science (5 Spanish) Social Studies (8, 10, 11) ELA (11) Math (11) Grade 8 TAKS Science 2007 Report Only for: Science (5, 8, 10, 11) Science (5 Spanish) Social Studies (8, 10, 11) ELA (11) Math (11) Grade 8 TAKS Science 2008 USE: Science (5, 8, 10, 11) Science (5 Spanish) Social Studies (8, 10, 11) ELA (11) Math (11) Grade 8 TAKS Science Report Only for: Reading/ELA (3-10) Reading (3-6 Spanish) Math (3-10) Math (3-6 Spanish) Writing (4 and 7) Writing (4 Spanish)
PBMAS Indicator Preview (April Update) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS CTE #6CTE Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 9-12) PL assigned but SA, PJSA, and RI suspended due to change in dropout definition. Also because of definition change, for 2007 MSR must be met in current year or PL=Not Assigned. Reinstate RI. Reinstate SA. Reinstate aggregation across years to meet MSR. Adjust standard and cut points.
PBMAS Indicator Preview Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #1(i-v)SPED TAKS Passing Rate (M, R/ELA, S, SS, W) PL assigned with RI, SA, and PJSA for reading, math, and science. Add TAKS (Accommodated) results for select grades and subject areas. Add Grade 8 Science results. SPED #2(i-v)SPED YAE TAKS Passing Rate PL assigned with SA. Add Grade 8 Science results.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #3(i-iii)SDAA II Gap Closure (R, M, W) (Grades 3-8) PL assigned for Reading and Math with SA. Writing was Report Only. Delete indicators. The SDAA II is no longer being administered. SPED #4(i-ii)SDAA II Gap Closure (R, M) (Grades 3-10) Report OnlyDelete indicators. The SDAA II is no longer being administered.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #5TAKS Only Participation Rate PL assigned with SA and RI. Delete indicator. This indicator was designed to be phased-out as SPED #6 is phased-in.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #6TAKS/TAKS-I Only Participation Rate Report Only Rename SPED TAKS/TAKS (Accommodated) Participation Rate Move indicator to “live”, using the standard and cut points that were already in place for SPED #5. Allow MSR to be met over two years and aggregate data over three years. Include RI and SA.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #7SDAA II Only Participation Rate PL assigned with no SA, PJSA, or RI. Delete this indicator. The SDAA II is no longer administered.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #8Less Restrictive Environments (Ages 3-5) PL assigned with RI but no SA or PJSA. Add SA. SPED #9Less Restrictive Environments (Ages 6-11) PL assigned with no SA, PJSA, or RI. Due to change in age group, MSR must be met in current year or PL=Not Assigned. Add SA and RI. Allow MSR to be met over two years. SPED #10Less Restrictive Environments (Ages 12-21) PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI. No change.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #11SPED Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-12) PL assigned but SA, PJSA, and RI suspended due to change in dropout definition. Also because of definition change, for 2007 MSR must be met in current year or PL=Not Assigned. Reinstate RI. Reinstate SA. Reinstate aggregation across two years to meet MSR.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #12SPED RHSP/DAP Diploma Rate PL assigned with RI and limited PJSA but no SA. Add SA. SPED #13SPED Graduation Rate Implemented as a new Report Only indicator. Continue as a Report Only indicator.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #14SPED Identification PL assigned with RI. No changes. SPED #15SPED African American Representation PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI. No changes.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #16SPED Hispanic Representation PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI. No changes. SPED #17SPED LEP Representation PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI. No changes.
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #18SPED Discretionary DAEP Placements PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and Add Reason Code 50 (non-illegal knife) SPED #19SPED Discretionary Expulsions PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI. Delete this indicator. PL 0 Distribution: 2004= = = =1195
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #20SPED Discretionary Placements to ISS PL assigned with SA, PJSA, and RI Cut Points: PL 0 = 0 to 16.0 PL 1 = 16.1 to 34.0 PL 2 = 34.1 to 65.0 PL 3 = 65.1 and above Adjust cut points Cut Points: PL 0 = 0 to 10.0 PL 1 = 10.1 to 24.9 PL 2 = 25.0 to 55.0 PL 3 = 55.1 and above
PBMAS Indicator Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Indicator Name2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS SPED #21SPED Discretionary Placements to OSS N/AImplement a new Report Only indicator. SPED #22SPED TAKS-M Participation Rate N/AImplement a new Report Only indicator. SPED #23SPED TAKS-Alt Participation Rate N/AImplement a new Report Only indicator.
PBMAS Preview Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components Minimum size requirements Implemented a numerator control of 30 for SPED Identification. Added a second numerator control of 30 to N1 on all SPED Representation indicators. All indicators were reviewed, and there are no recommendations for changes to minimum size requirements this year.
PBMAS Preview Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components Special analysisPJSA for science was added to one TAKS indicator set per program area. Additional TAKS indicators will have PJSA available for science. Other System Components TAKS Grade 8 Science Grade 8 Science was added to of participation indicators as appropriate Begin incorporating Grade 8 Science results into TAKS performance indicators.
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components TAKS StandardsImplemented 2007 subject-area standards for Academically Acceptable Implement 2008 subject-area standards for Academically Acceptable
TAKS Subject-Area TAKS Standards for Academically Acceptable Reading/ELA2007 = 65% 2008 = 70% Mathematics2007 = 45% 2008 = 50% Science2007 = 40% 2008 = 45% Social Studies and Writing2007 = 65% 2008 = 65%
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components Performance Level Cut Points for TAKS Passing Rate indicators Continued the cut points established in 2004 Adjust cut points for all TAKS passing rate indicators to align with the increases in subject-area standards that have occurred since 2004.
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components Required Improvement calculation for TAKS performance indicators Revised RI calculation for TAKS performance indicators by decreasing the number of years to reach standard from 7 to 6. Make no changes to the 6-year calculation to allow districts another year to continue to make improvement toward meeting the standard in light of increased accountability standards in 2008 and the phase-in of certain TAKS (Accommodated) results.
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components TAKS-IIncluded in the relevant participation indicators Begin to include renamed TAKS (Accommodated) results for select grades and subject areas into PBMAS TAKS performance indicators as appropriate.
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components TAKS-MN/AImplement a new Report Only indicator that reports the number of students taking TAKS-M for all subjects.
PBMAS Preview (continued) Program Area and Number Description2007 PBMAS2008 PBMAS Other System Components TAKS-AltIncluded TAKS-Alt field test takers in the denominators of appropriate participation indicators. Implement a new Report Only indicator that reports the number of students taking TAKS-Alt for all subjects.