GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 28 Credits Required for Graduation at MCHS ENGLISH4 credits (one per year) MATH4 credits (one per year) SCIENCE3 credits SOCIAL STUDIES3 credits LIFETIME WELLNESS1 credit PERSONAL FINANCE/PE½ credit each ELECTIVE FOCUS AREA3 credits FOREIGN LANGUAGE2 credits (same language) FINE ARTS1 credit o or 3 additional electives if FL/FA waiver
FOREIGN LANGUAGE/FINE ARTS WAIVER Students who elect NOT to go to college may waive the 2 Foreign Language and 1 Fine Arts requirements. Instead, they will have to take 3 additional electives to expand and enhance their Elective Focus Area. We MUST have a PARENT signature on file indicating that the parent consents to the waiver.
GREEN REGISTRATION FORM Make sure that you have filled out the top part of this sheet with a PENCIL. At the bottom of the page, you must indicate whether your child plans on attending college OR has decided that he/she will waive those courses in order to enhance the Elective Focus Area. Mark YES or NO to the Waiver question.
GREEN REGISTRATION FORM At the bottom of the page, you will also need to write down an Elective Focus Area before you leave tonight. This needs to be determined by the end of the student’s Sophomore year. The STUDENT will need to sign this form. The PARENT will also need to sign the form and then date it.
HEALTH/PE/DRIVER’S ED PE may be taken any year prior to graduation for ½ credit or 1 credit. (1/2 credit is required—in addition to the 1 credit of Wellness students earned as a Freshman) If there are openings, Sophomores may take Driver’s Ed. You must indicate which 9 weeks you need to take it AND why you want to take it.
ENGLISH Every student will enroll in an English class. Select one of the courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letter or number to the code that is already printed on the form : o English I3001 o English I—Honors 3001H o English I—ELL 3001E o English I—SPED30015
MATH Select at least one of the Math courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letter or number to the code that is already printed on the form : o Algebra I3102 o Algebra I—Honors 3102H o Algebra 1-A (SPED)31025 o Algebra IA*31023 and o Algebra IB* for S2
ALGEBRA IA / ALGEBRA IB Algebra IA is offered as a Pre-Algebra course and will be offered Semester 1 (left side). Algebra IA will not count as a Math credit—it is for elective credit only. If you register for Algebra IA, then you MUST also register for Algebra IB during Semester 2 (right side). Algebra IB will count as the actual Math credit. Be sure to indicate Algebra IA (31023) on the left side and write down Algebra IB (31024) on the right side.
SCIENCE Select at least one of the Science courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letter or number to the code that is already printed on the form. Both sciences will meet college entrance requirements; however, Physical World Concepts is intended to be more college- preparatory than Physical Science. o Physical World Concepts3237 o Physical Science3202 o Physical Science (SPED)32025
SOCIAL STUDIES Select at least one of the Social Studies courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letter or number to the code that is already printed on the form : o World History3401 o World Geography3410 o World Geography—SPED o World Geography—ELL3410E
SPORTS/COLOR GUARD If you plan on participating in Sports or Color Guard, you will need to write the group name(s) ALL on the 1 st ALTERNATE Elective line. The coaches will give us a list of members after summer tryouts, and then we will actually enroll you with that 4 th block group but for that season ONLY. Athletes who only play basketball will possibly be scheduled for a Study Skills class during the 1 st and the 4 th nine weeks.
ELECTIVE FOCUS AREAS Every student must choose at least ONE elective course in their Elective Focus Area. These types of courses are referred to as “Focused Electives.” Choose course(s) from the Elective Focus Areas below: o AGRICULTURE (CTE Program of Study) o BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY (CTE Program of Study) o FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE (CTE Program of Study) o FINE ARTS o HUMANITIES (Language Arts and Social Studies) o MATH/SCIENCE o Classes at Tri-County Campus of TTC-Hartsville (cannot go until Sophomore year)
ELECTIVE FOCUS AREAS Tri-County Campus of TTC-Hartsville o CTE Programs of Study Auto Mechanics Carpentry Computer-Aided Drafting Cosmetology Culinary Arts Health Science (not until Jr. year) HVAC/Refrigeration Machine Shop Welding
MCHS CTE Programs of Study ELECTIVES AGRICULTURE o Principles of Agricultural Science5154 BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY o Word Processing3781 FAMILY and CONSUMER SCIENCES o Family & Consumer Science5603
Additional CTE Information You may sign up for additional CTE electives as long as you have also registered for the first level course in that Program of Study. You may take additional courses: o in different Programs of Study and/or o up to TWO electives in the same Program of Study
Additional CTE Courses AGRICULTURE Program of Study ANIMAL SYSTEMS— Elective Focus Area o Advanced Principles of Agriculture5155 PLANT SYSTEMS— Elective Focus Area o Landscaping & Turfgrass Mgmt.5163 POWER SYSTEMS— Elective Focus Area o Ag Mechanics & Maintenance5151
Additional CTE Courses cont. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY Program of Study BANKING & FINANCE— Elective Focus Area ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING— Elective Focus Area INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA— Elective Focus Area o Computer Applications3718 HUMAN RESOURCES— Elective Focus Area o eBusiness Communications3704
Additional CTE Courses cont. FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Program of Study COUNSELING & MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES— E.F.A. FAMILY & COMMUNITY SERVICES— E.F.A. TEACHER TRAINING SERVICES— E.F.A. o Child & Lifespan Development5625 FASHION DESIGN— E.F.A. o Textiles & Apparel5619 INTERIOR DESIGN— E.F.A. o Interior Design5626
FINE ARTS ELECTIVES o Marching Band (S1 only)0996M o Concert Band (S2 only)0996C o General Music3505 o Theatre Arts3524 o Visual Arts I3501 o Vocal Music3531
HUMANITIES ELECTIVES LANGUAGE ARTS o Journalism3008 (This class alternates on a rotating basis with Creative Writing) SOCIAL STUDIES o Bible Studies3452 o Contemporary Issues3435 o Psychology3433 o Sociology3432 o Tennessee Studies3404
MATH / SCIENCE ELECTIVES If you choose Math/Science as your Elective Focus Area, you may need to double up on Math at least one year between 10 th and 12 th grades and/or take at least one advanced-level Science (Jr. Chemistry is a pre-requisite) your Senior year. Chemistry is not a pre-requisite for Scientific Research or: o Environmental Science3260 (This class alternates on a rotating basis with Scientific Research)
IN-HOUSE ELECTIVES Your grade in an In-House Elective class will be either a “P” for Pass or an “F” for Fail. You may register for only one In-House Elective per semester. Sports, Color Guard, Credit Recovery, Instrumental Music, Study Skills, Teacher Assistant, and Yearbook are all In-House Electives. o Teacher’s Assistant9TA o Teacher’s Assistant(1/2)9TAQ
½ Credit Courses If you sign up for a ½ credit course, you MUST sign up for another ½ credit course in the SAME BLOCK. Also, write down both course codes in the same Course Code block. o Driver’s Education(1/2)3321 o Financial Planning(1/2)3717 o Personal Finance(1/2)3766 o Physical Education(1/2)3301 o Teacher Assistant (1/2)9TAQ
FRESHMAN ELECTIVES Adv Principles of Ag 5155 Ag Mechanics & Maint Bible Studies 3452 Child Development 5625 Computer Applications 3718 Concert Band (S2) 0996C Contemporary Issues 3432 Driver’s Education 3321 eBusiness Communications 3704 Environmental Science 3260 Family & Consumer Science 5603 Financial Planning (1/2 ) 3717 General Music 3505 Interior Design 5626 Journalism 3008 Landscaping Mgmt Marching Band (S1) 0996M Personal Finance (1/2) 3766 Physical Education (1/2) 3301 Principles of Ag. Sciences 5154 Psychology 3433 Sociology 3432 *Teacher Assistant 9TA *Teacher Assistant (1/2) 9TAQ Tennessee Studies 3404 Textiles 5619 Theatre Arts 3524 Visual Arts I 3501 Vocal Music 3531 Word Processing 3781
REMINDERS All 8 blocks MUST have a course name in the block. All 3 ALTERNATE ELECTIVES MUST be filled in. Mark YES or NO for the FL/FA Waiver. Write down your ELECTIVE FOCUS AREA. The STUDENT will need to sign this form. The PARENT will also need to sign and date the form.
GREEN REGISTRATION FORM If you leave anything BLANK, you will not be allowed to change your schedule when school starts next year. If you write down a class on the Registration Form and that class is on your schedule next year, you will not be allowed to change it when school starts. If you would like to make any changes after tonight, please , mail, or phone your requests to one of the school counselors BEFORE May 27. o o o (MCHS School Counseling Center)