 Time…  1 hour without the math practices  1.5 with the math practices  Materials  CCSS document (possibly by grade band)  Kindergarten CCSS example.


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Presentation transcript:

 Time…  1 hour without the math practices  1.5 with the math practices  Materials  CCSS document (possibly by grade band)  Kindergarten CCSS example  Three year plan  Transition documents  Poster paper with dots and markers CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Please place a dot on the chart that best describes your knowledge of CCSS. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Kristen Maxwell Regional Mathematics Coordinator ESD 105  Julie Wagner Elementary Mathematics Specialist OSPI CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

You can’t wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time. Patricia Schroeder 4

Who is participating today and what is your familiarity with the CCSS?  Reflection …Where do you stand with the CCSS?  Individuals complete 1-page poll/pre-reflection  Short partner (on-site) sharing  Introductions…  Who is in the room? CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

A. Review history, adoption, and implementation of the CCSS B. Consider the advantages of the Common Core State Standards C. Become acquainted with the organization of the CCSSM D. Learn about the shifts the CCSS brings to mathematics and explore these E. Be aware of resources to support the implementation of the CCSS CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Things you found important  Questions you have about the standards and their implementation CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st century. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

1. Read with comprehension, write effectively, and communicate successfully in a variety of ways and settings and with a variety of audiences; 2.Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics; social, physical, and life sciences; civics and history, including different cultures and participation in representative government; geography; arts; and health and fitness; 3.Think analytically, logically, and creatively, and to integrate technology literacy and fluency as well as different experiences and knowledge to form reasoned judgments and solve problems; and 4Understand the importance of work and finance and how performance, effort, and decisions directly affect future career and educational opportunities. (Updated in 2011: SSB 5392) CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

…describe the knowledge and skills in English language arts and mathematics that students will need when they graduate, whatever their choice of college or career. …are based on the best national and international standards, giving our students a competitive advantage in the global economy. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Developed by:  Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)  National Governor’s Association (NGA)  Adopted by Washington State in July 2011  More than 40 states have adopted the CCSS standards  Focus on ELA and Mathematics skills students will need to be career or college ready.  Offers our students a competitive edge in the global economy  Creates a common equity and access to learning CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Two sets of standards K-12  English – Language Arts & Literacy includes integrated reading and writing standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects  Mathematics  Created by nationally recognized experts in each field  An evolution of our current standards – not a replacement CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Do not dictate curriculum or teaching method  Do not dictate the order or sequence within a grade level  Do not define intervention methods or materials  A federal product or directive CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Who else has adopted?

Phase 1: Awareness and Understanding, Alignment, and Adoption Phase 2: Build Statewide Capacity, Collaboratively Develop and Align Resources and Materials Phase 3: Classroom Transitions Phase 4: Statewide Implementation through the Assessment System CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 What key messages stand out for you for the overall CCSS initiative?  What stands out for you that has implications to you in your role and your work?  What questions do you have? CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 A nation-wide answer to the questions:  What should kids learn?  What should teachers teacher?  What can parents, colleges, and workplaces expect kids to know?  Provide consistent college and career ready standards for a mobile society  Collaboration and economy of resources CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Collaboration will affect:  Assessments  Materials  Resources  Extensions  Enrichments  Software  Conferences  CTE  Etc. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

WA Mathematics StandardsCommon Core State Standards Presentation of Standards Grade K-8, high school standards presented in traditional and integrated pathways. Grades K-8, high school standards presented through six mathematical domains including specially noted STEM standards - denoted by (+) symbols. Organization Grade-level standards are broken into core content areas, additional key content, and mathematical processes. Grade-level standards are broken into clusters of learning under several domains and all have Standards for Mathematical Practice. Examples Standards are accompanied by explanatory comments and examples. Standards have occasional examples in italics. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Two to five areas of focus How the grade or course standards are developed in each critical area

CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011 Domain Clusters Mathematical Practices

CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011 Domain Cluster Cluster Standards

 The CCSSM Model Pathways  Two models that organize the CCSSM into coherent, rigorous courses  NOT required. The two sequences are examples, not mandates  Pathway A: Consists of two algebra courses and a geometry course, with some data, probability and statistics infused throughout each (traditional)  Pathway B: Typically seen internationally that consists of a sequence of 3 courses each of which treats aspects of algebra, geometry and data, probability, and statistics.  Accelerated pathways for both CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Common Core Math Standards are very closely aligned, content-wise, to the Washington State Math Standards (2008) and..  With the critical areas of focus, there are less topics covered which allows you time to teach these deeply and allow students to reach mastery, but … shifts happen! CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Focus  Fewer big ideas --- learn more  Learning of concepts is emphasized Coherence  Articulated progressions of topics and performances that are developmental and connected to other progressions Application  Being able to apply concepts and skills to new situations CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Graphic CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Read the first three words for each mathematical practice. What do you notice? 32

Read the first practice. Highlight the verbs that illustrate the student actions for each practice. What do you notice? Discuss at your tables. 33

 What is this practice standard asking of students?  What would this practice look like in your classroom?  To what extent could your course promote students’ proficiency with this practice?  What is challenging about helping students develop proficiency in this standard in your course work? 34

 This is where I think you would put your activity, Kristen. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics  Progressions for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics – support for formative assessment  State Documents  Arizona – examples and explanations, Mathematics Practices by grade level  Three-year transition plan  Transition documents  CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

Number and Quantity: Quantities  (N-Q) Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems. Standards LabelMathematical PracticesExplanations and Examples Students are expected to: HS.N-Q.1. Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. Connections: SCHS-S1C4-02; SSHS-S5C  HS.MP.4. Model with mathematics. HS.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. HS.MP.6. Attend to precision. Include word problems where quantities are given in different units, which must be converted to make sense of the problem. For example, a problem might have an object moving12 feet per second and another at 5 miles per hour. To compare speeds, students convert 12 feet per second to miles per hour: which is more than 8 miles per hour. Graphical representations and data displays include, but are not limited to: line graphs, circle graphs, histograms, multi-line graphs, scatterplots, and multi-bar graphs. HS.N-Q.2. Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. Connection: SSHS-S5C  HS.MP.4. Model with mathematics. HS.MP.6. Attend to precision. Examples:  What type of measurements would one use to determine their income and expenses for one month?  How could one express the number of accidents in Arizona? HS.N-Q.3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities  HS.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. HS.MP.6. Attend to precision. The margin of error and tolerance limit varies according to the measure, tool used, and context. Example:  Determining price of gas by estimating to the nearest cent is appropriate because you will not pay in fractions of a cent but the cost of gas is. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

WSASCD Conference October 14, 2011 CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Additional Progressions for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics  The Illustrative Mathematics Project   NCTM Mathematical Practices  Much, much more CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 OSPI Common Core State Standards website  Quarterly CCSS Webinar Series:  System-focused implementation supports  Mathematics  English Language Arts  CCSS Symposia  Fall 2011 / Winter 2012 (collaboration with WSASCD)  Common Core Website: standardshttp:// standards CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Parent Resource Guides:  Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project  Hunt Institute Videos   T&L monthly “newsflashes” and list-serve  Conference presentations throughout the year CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Find your grade level transition document. Skim and review the whole document…  What do you notice?  Be prepared to share  Look at the Geometry domain for your level…  Continue…  Extend…  Move to… CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Share what you thought was important – so far  Questions that were answered for you  Questions you hope will be answered in the remaining presentation CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Any alignment work should factor in CCSS-M  Any evaluation of curriculum should factor in CCSS-M CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

SUGGESTIONS FOR MOVING FORWARD…. You should become familiar with the CCSS-M and the transition documents and reflect on how closely your current work aligns What do you keep? What do you drop? What needs additional depth? CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Become conversant with the “Mathematical Practices” and reflect on where they are present in your current work and where they could be added. SUGGESTIONS FOR MOVING FORWARD…. CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

 Divide into 4 groups of 6 teachers – each group needs elementary, middle school and high school teachers  In your group, discuss how you currently use the 2 Mathematical Practices these in your classroom. Feel free to also share how you might use them in the future.  Make one poster for each of your two Mathematical Practices. Be sure to include examples from all levels (elementary, middle school and high school). CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011

A. Review history, adoption, and implementation of the CCSS B. Consider the advantages of the Common Core State Standards C. Become acquainted with the organization of the CCSSM D. Learn about the shifts the CCSS brings to mathematics and explore these E. Be aware of resources to support the implementation of the CCSS CTE Conference November 3-4, 2011