Preparing Students for College and Careers: Career & Technical Education in the 21 st Century.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing Students for College and Careers: Career & Technical Education in the 21 st Century

P RESENTERS Tony D. Johnson Career and Technical Education State Director Simone García Career and Technical Education Innovation Fund Director

D EDICATION TO C AREER & T ECHNICAL E DUCATION (CTE) To increase the number of CTE-focused students, such that by 2017, 80 percent of District students concentrating in CTE programs will complete Programs of Study that lead to a certification, credential, or diploma associated with one of the District’s most promising occupations. Mission A coordinated series of dynamic and engaging programs, operating in elementary, middle, and high schools, that increase student awareness, support student exploration, and enable student preparation for the array of promising careers in DC. Vision

B ENEFITS OF CTE P ROGRAMS Better mathematics and/or reading performance Access to industry-specific curricula & work-based learning experiences Mentorship and/or internship opportunities Higher graduation rates

C RITICAL S UCCESS F ACTORS Sufficient Funding Curriculum Development Teacher Professional Development Student Awareness

CTE F UNDING S OURCES Carl D. Perkins Federal Grant Local Funding (for Career Academies)

O VERVIEW OF C ARL D. P ERKINS Career Guidance and Academic Counseling Business Partnerships and Work-related Experiences Special Populations

O VERVIEW OF C ARL D. P ERKINS Career and Technical Student Organizations Post-secondary Opportunities Adults and Non-High School Completers

O VERVIEW OF C ARL D. P ERKINS Non-traditional fields Technology in the classroom Mentoring and supportive services

CTE E NROLLMENTS F UNDED BY P ERKINS LEA Total Students Enrolled Grade Span of CTE Programs CTE Program Student Enrollment % Students Enrolled in CTE Programs DCPS 11, , % Booker T. Washington PCS % Friendship PCS 1, % Hospitality PCS % IDEA PCS % LAYC N/A10-AdultN/A Options PCS % UDC-CC 7,108Adult5, %

I MPROVING CTE IN W ASHINGTON D.C. CTE Task Force Strategic Plan –Programs of Study (high-wage; high-skill; high-demand) –Curriculum Development –Professional Development –Track Outcomes –Reengage the District’s Disconnected Youth –Improve Program Offerings for adult District Residents

P RIORITY C AREER S ECTORS IN THE D ISTRICT OF C OLUMBIA Science, Engineering, Math, & Technology Information Technology Business Management & Administration Architecture & Construction Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Human Services Marketing Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Finance Education & Training Health Science Arts, AV Technology & Communications Hospitality & Tourism

C AREER A CADEMIES SchoolSchool TypeNAF Academy Cardozo Education CampusDCPSInformation Technology Columbia Heights Education CampusDCPSHospitality Dunbar High SchoolDCPSEngineering McKinley Technology High SchoolDCPSInformation Technology McKinley Technology High SchoolDCPSEngineering Phelps ACE High SchoolDCPSEngineering Wilson High SchoolDCPSHospitality Friendship Collegiate AcademyPCSInformation Technology Friendship Tech Prep High SchoolPCSEngineering

L OCAL F UNDING FOR C AREER A CADEMIES Total FY’14 Funding for 9 Career Academies: $3,015,000

A BOUT THE N ATIONAL A CADEMY F OUNDATION (NAF) Academy Structure Curriculum & Instruction Work-Based Learning & Internships Advisory Board NAF

A CADEMY S UPPORT S TRUCTURE Task Force (Working Group) District LEAs NAF Academy Schools OSSE Director, CTE Innovation Fund Industry Advisors Executive Board

A CADEMY S UPPORT S TRUCTURE Task Force (Working Group) District LEAs NAF Academy Schools OSSE Director, CTE Innovation Fund Industry Advisors Executive Board I NFORMATION S YSTEMS Limbic Systems, Inc. E NGINEERING McKissack & McKissack H OSPITALITY Courtyard Marriott by Washington Convention Center

Community & Business Supports Internships Corporate sponsors and advisors


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