HB5 and Endorsement Academies Midway ISD
:Trainings for high school leadership team on AchieveTexas and Career Clusters :Career Academy model introduced – mainly CTE focused :Transitioned high school to MISD Academies of Study :Secondary Team pipeline; Academy Night event; catalog redesign; content integration lessons :High school moves to 8-period day; redesign of Academies of Study into Endorsement Academies for HB5 students; Accelerated Instruction courses; math sequence change :Middle school moves to 8-period day; Panther Pathways implemented in 8 th grade Historical Timeline
Elementary ‘Career Day’ events College and career focus College Month/GenTX Day Vertical alignment/campus pipelines Blurring departmental lines Academy Night/Course Kick-Off Integrated Lessons Academic advisement Updating 4-year plans Career Cruising ® Community involvement School Board updates/tours Creating a Culture
Arts & HumanitiesArts & Humanities (Academy of Fine Arts, Communications & Humanities) *Social Studies Pathway *LOTE Pathway *Fine Arts Pathway Business & IndustryBusiness & Industry (Academy of Business, Marketing & Finance) (Academy of Consumer Science & Education) (Academy of Fine Arts, Communications & Humanities) (Academy of Veterinary & Agricultural Science) *CTE Pathway (10 Clusters) *English Electives Pathway Public ServicesPublic Services (Academy of Consumer Science & Education) (Academy of Health Sciences) (Academy of Law, Government & Criminal Justice) *CTE Pathway (5 Clusters) *ROTC Pathway Science, Technology, Engineering & MathScience, Technology, Engineering & Math (Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) *CTE Pathway (1 Cluster) *Math Pathway *Science Pathway Multidisciplinary *Advanced Courses Pathway *4x4 Pathway *AP Pathway
Existing framework allowed easier conceptual transition Moved from 7 Academies of Study to 5 Endorsement Academies Current course offerings support 15 Career Clusters and all 5 Endorsements Includes partnerships with MCC, TSTC, GWAMA 8-period day provides opportunity for exploration of interests 8 th grade Panther Pathways class centers around Endorsements and building 4-year plans Endorsement Academies
MHS Foundation Plan 22 credits + *2 local (24 total) English 4 credits Science 3 credits Math 3 credits Social Studies 3 credits P.E. 1 credit Fine Arts 1 credit LOTE 2 credits *Electives 5.5 credits *Speech.5 credit *CTE 1 credit MHS Endorsement Plan 26 credits + *2 local (28 total) Distinguished Level of Achievement (Default) Successful Completion of Foundation Plan Successful Completion of 1 or more endorsements Completion of Algebra 2 Performance Acknowledgements Dual Credit Bi-Literacy Advanced Placement PSAT, SAT, ACT Industry Certifications
September/October Update 4-year plans with 9 th, 10 th, 11 th graders November Course Kick-Off event (6 th – 11 th graders and families) 11 th grade course selection December 10 th grade course selection January 9 th grade course selection February 8 th grade course selection/4-year planning through Panther Pathways March Verification sheets/updates Master Schedule development Academic Advisement
External Community Business/Industry partnerships Course Kick-off College/Career Events Junior Round-Up Senior Sneak-a-Peek College Night Campus/District Site-Based Teams Parent Meetings Media highlights Dual Credit Partners (MCC, TSTC) College Prep Course (TSTC) School Board & Internal Community Annual School Board update Policy/guideline updates Staffing needs/adjustments PLCs Professional Development Student Clubs/Organizations Community Service projects Field Trips College Visits Outreach
Students! Team of 8 (School Board, Superintendent) Curriculum Leaders/Coordinators/Specialists Campus Administrators Counselors (need support, encouragement, and chocolate!!) Teachers PTA Leaders/Members Parents Business/Community Partners College Partners Network of School Districts P-16 or P-20 Councils Key Players
Jeff Gasaway Principal, Midway High School Ashley Canuteson District Coordinator, College & Career Readiness/CTE Tamara Roznos District Coordinator, Academic Pathways Questions?