Advantages of CTE courses: Life long skills Honors credit Industry Credentials Articulated credit agreement National Technical Honor Society Career Technical Service Organizations Workkeys Assessment
WWHS Students would choose take: Personal Finance Foods I Foods II (Foundation courses – 3) And 1 enhancement course: Principles of Business MSITA – Microsoft Office Entrepreneurship I Culinary and Hospitality I
Career and Technical Education Concentrators are students who complete the 3 foundation courses and 1 enhancement course. Students also earn the opportunity to take the Workkeys employment assessment and receive a Career Readiness Certificate..
Workkeys is a series of tests which measures foundational and soft skills and offers specialized assessments to target institutional needs Part of NC High School accountability, WorkKeys has 3 assessments: Reading For Information Locating Information Applied Mathematics
May earn in several CTE courses. For the student that completed the Agriculture, Foods and Natural Resources Cluster: ServSafe Sanitation Certification – Foods II MSITA – Microsoft Word and Powerpoint Certification
MSITA Nursing Assistant I Carpentry Six Sigma Yellow Belt Excel and Access Word and Powerpoint Nursing Fundamentals NCCER Certification Alamance Community College
Accounting II Drafting Archectural II and II Drafting Engineering II and III Honors credit available in all Level II courses in the futures
ABSS has articulated agreement with Alamance Community College. Students can earn community college credit through Career and Technical Education courses.
DECA FBLA FCCLA HOSA National Technical Honor Society – Completion of 3 CTE courses. Cumulative GPA of 3.0. CTE GPA of 3.5.
For more information, check the Career Development website or go to Registration information on the Williams website.