Assembly Bill 1330
AB 1330 Executive Summary Existing Law requires all graduating high school students to complete one course in visual and performing arts or foreign language. Beginning with the school year (class of 2013), AB 1330 authorizes local educational agencies to accept a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course as an optional graduation requirement in lieu of a course in visual and performing arts or foreign language.
Before Implementing AB 1330, the Local Governing Board Shall: Notify parents, teachers, pupils and the public at a regularly scheduled meeting: –The intent to offer CTE courses to fulfill grad req. –The impact that offering CTE courses will have on the availability of courses that meet the UC and CSU admission req. and whether CTE course would satisfy such requirements –The distinction between the H.S. Grad. req. for the school district and the eligibility req. for UC and CSU admission.
Grad Req. under Existing State Law: English:3 courses Math:2 courses Science:2 courses (biology and physical) Social Sci.:3 courses (Including U.S. History, 1 semester of American Government and one semester of Economics) P.E.:2 courses Visual and Perf. Arts or Foreign Lang.: 1 course
Grad Req. Beginning *: English:3 courses Math:2 courses Science:2 courses (biology and physical) Social Sci.:3 courses (Including U.S. History, 1 semester of American Government and one semester of Economics) P.E.:2 courses Visual and Perf. Arts OR Foreign Lang OR CTE.: 1 course *Pending Local Governing Board Approval
Social Science World History (10 credits) US History (10 credits) US Government (5 credits) Economics (5 credits) 30 Family Living or Geography (5 credits) Driver’s Ed (2.5 credits) Health/Safety (2.5 credits) 10 English40 Mathematics Algebra I (10 credits) Math (10 credits)20 Science Physical Science (10 credits) Life Science (10 credits)20 Fine Arts or World Language10 Physical Education20 Electives80 California High School Exit Exam - CAHSEE X Total Credits230 Social Science World History (10 credits) US History (10 credits) US Government (5 credits) Economics (5 credits) 30 Family Living or Geography (5 credits) Driver’s Ed (2.5 credits) Health/Safety (2.5 credits) 10 English40 Mathematics Algebra I (10 credits) Math (10 credits)20 Science Physical Science (10 credits) Life Science (10 credits)20 Fine Arts or World Language or CTE 10 Physical Education20 Electives80 California High School Exit Exam - CAHSEEX Total Credits230 Current AB 1330
Minimum Req. for admission into UC/CSU (a-g requirements) a)History/ Soc. Sci:2 years b)English: 4 years of college prep c)Math:3 years (4 recommended) d)Science:2 years of laboratory Science (3 recommended) e)Foreign Lang:2 years (3 recommended) f)VAPA:1 year g)Electives1 year of College Prep.
AB 1330 Requires CDE to Report to Legislature by January 1, 2016: 1.Number of students who took CTE courses to fulfill graduation requirements 2.Reasons given by pupils for choosing to enroll in a CTE course to satisfy a graduation requirement 3.The type and number of CTE courses that were available for pupil enrollment 4.The number of CTE courses that satisfied the subject matter requirements for admission to UC or CSU 5.The extent CTE courses addressed local workforce needs 6.The impact on VAPA and foreign language courses that resulted from pupils choosing to enroll in CTE courses to satisfy graduation requirements 7.The annual pupil dropout rate for the to school years, inclusive.