It’s A Whole New World….
CTE stands for Career & Technical Education It focuses on developing Core skills in the cluster areas Specific skill competencies in various occupational areas Meaningful opportunities for learners to apply their academic and technical skills In other words, I am going to help prepare you to choose a career, develop skills, and function in the world of work.
Arts, A/V Technology and Communications Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Information Technology Digital and Interactive Multimedia Principles of Information Technology (Semester I) Finance Money Matters (Semester II)
Digital and Interactive Multimedia Career skills & research Digital ethics Art & graphic design Photography Audio & video production Animation
Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Professional & Ethical Communication Career Research & Skills Art Principles Graphic Design Skills
PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (1/2) Career skills Copyright/fair use Office Suite Hardware & Networks MONEY MATTERS (1/2) Financial decision making Learn to achieve financial goals Financial planning Budgeting Managing your personal finances Understanding credit Preparing for your future
Mr. Peugh All Ag classes Mrs. Seay All Home Ec classes Mrs. Wyatt Cosmetology Mrs. Theriault Intro to Floral Design For more info, see any CTE teacher or an administrator.