el 25 de agosto 1. Entregar (turn in) la tarea TARDE (papel de procedimientos) La TAREA: 1. Get supplies 2. Complete & Bring the procedures paper if you haven't brought it yet. 3. STUDY voc from page 22 in your textbook-- especially the first column. 4. Do a self quiz for the first half of the voc #1-13 See instructions on last page. 3. Examen de Voc #1 2. Estampar la tarea: Lista de Vocabulario mientras (while) los estudiantes repasan (review) para el examen. 4. Demostrar cómo hacer (to do/make) un autoprueba (self quiz) 1.Fold paper long ways to create 4 columns. 2.Write the heading including page number, name, period, date in the top right corner. 3.Write the title of the Voc list: where the words are coming from in the center. 4.Write the vocabulary words in English in the first column. Use the same numbers as the list. 5.Do your first self quiz on the farthest column to the right. A)Look at the word in English and write the answer in Spanish. B)Correct your self quiz with a different colored pen using your vocab list. C)Fill-in any words you didn’t know and make corrections for spelling and accents. D)Study the words you missed. 6. Fold your first self quiz behind the paper and do the second self quiz in the middle column (Q2) following the same steps as above. 7.Do the third self quiz following the same steps. 8.If you need more practice, you can fold the paper forward and do more self quizzes on the back.
Nombre Per Fecha Ex de Voc #1 I to salta una línea I
InglésQ3 SpQ2 SpQ1Sp 1st word from list in English. Always use the number of the voc word Start here. Look at Eng word and write the Spanish word from memory. 2nd word from list in English If you don’t know the word, go on to the next word 3rd word from list in English,et c. When you finish testing yourself, go back and correct your mistakes & write in the ones you skipped with a red pen. Study the words you missed. Fold this column back and test yourself again in the Q2 column. Instrucciones para un autoprueba: (self quiz) 1.Fold paper long ways to create 4 columns. 2.Write the heading including page number, name, period, date in the top right corner. 3.Write the title of the Voc list: where the words are coming from in the center. 4.Write the vocabulary words in English in the first column. Use the same numbers as the list. 5.Do your first self quiz on the farthest column to the right. A)Look at the word in English and write the answer in Spanish. B)Correct your self quiz with a different colored pen using your vocab list. C)Fill-in any words you didn’t know and make corrections for spelling and accents. D)Study the words you missed. 6.Fold your first self quiz behind the paper and do the second self quiz in the middle column (Q2) following the same steps as above. 7.Do the third self quiz following the same steps. 8.If you need more practice, you can fold the paper forward and do more self quizzes on the back. Nombre ____________________ Per ____ Vocabulario: Para Empezar (Página 22) Saludos ____________________________ Saludar ____________________________ Despedidas _________________________ Despedirse _________________________ Presentar __________________________ Presentarse _________________________ To greet someone 1.Buenos días 2.Buenas noches 3.Buenas tardes 4.¡Hola! 5.¿Cómo te llamas? 6.¿Cómo se llama Ud.? 7.Me llamo… 8.Encantado(a) 9.Igualmente 10.Mucho gusto 11.señor, Sr. 12.señora, Sra. 13.señorita, Srta. To ask and tell how someone is 14.¿Cómo está Ud.? (formal) 15.¿Cómo estás tú? (familiar) 16.¿Qué pasa? 17.¿Qué tal? 18.¿Y tú? / ¿Y Ud.? 19.(muy) bien 20.nada 21.regular 22.gracias To say goodbye 23.¡Adiós! 24.Hasta luego. 25.Hasta mañana. 26.¡Nos vemos!
Attachments EX Sp1--Voc 1.doc