The Social Statistics Database: Invaluable source of micro-data for socio-economic statistics Johan van Rooijen.


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Presentation transcript:

The Social Statistics Database: Invaluable source of micro-data for socio-economic statistics Johan van Rooijen

Contents of this pesentation What does the Social Statistics Database (SSD) contain? Linkage keys Standardization Data and metadata Process Privacy-protection Output-examples 2

SSD: contents 3 Persons Relations between persons Households Jobs Self-eployment Social security benefits State and employer pensions Income Education Hospitalizations Causes of death Criminal offense reports Houses Vehicles The SSD is a central database containing microdata on: and more……

Many administrative sources, such as: Population Register Register Income Tax Declarations Administration of Employee Insurance Schemes Police Register Valuation of real estate registration system Survey: Labour Force Survey Future developments: more administrative sources, more surveys, big data? 4

SSD: linkage keys All mirco datafiles stored in the SSD contain a LINKAGE KEY: Interlinking microdata is what the SSD is about! Example: linking microdata on graduates with data on persons and data on employment in order to describe the transisiton from education to labour market participation 5

6 PIN: person identification number HIN: household identification number AIN: adress identification number EIN: enterprise identification number SSD: contents and linkage keys

SSD: standardization standardization is an important aspect of the SSD organization of the IT-infrastructure file formats linkage keys names metadata 7

SSD: relation between data and meta-data 8

In conclusion: Microdata-files are linked to other microdata-files by means of a set of standardized linkage keys Microdata-files are linked to their metadata through the name (file-name / variable-names) 9

10 SSD: process

SSD: privacy-protection Legislation: Statistics Netherlands Act Netherlands Data Protection Act These laws: authorize Statistics Netherlands to use personal data oblige Statistics Netherlands to take adequate measures aimed at privacy protection 11

Privacy protection measures: Linkage keys are anonymous, original personal identifiers are removed from the data Access rights to the SSD are restricted Limited facilities Staff members have to take an oath Check on disclosure risk of output 12

SSD: Examples of output 13

Transition from education to labour market participation 14

The effect of discharge and discharge reason on relationship dissolution 15

Dropping out of school and criminal behavior Suspected of a crime in the period overall8.2 % drop-outs37.6 % 16

Research by external researchers (through Centre for Policy-related Statistics) The Netherlands Cancer Institute: linking SSD-data to cancer registration Municipalities: evaluation of their social assistance policy by enriching own data with data from the SSD 17

The end 18