HIV Reduction Program Building Partnerships & Linkages in a Rural Community Family Planning of Clallam County Port Angeles, WA Cherie Reeves Sperr Director of Programs & Operations
Partnerships & Linkages Today’s Objectives: Examine barriers faced in establishment of HIV/AIDS linkages & partnerships in a rural community Examine barriers faced in establishment of HIV/AIDS linkages & partnerships in a rural community Describe possible solutions to these barriers Describe possible solutions to these barriers
FPCC HIV Reduction Program Family Planning of Clallam County’s (FPCC) HIV Reduction Program supplements and enhances existing HIV activities in rural Clallam County, Washington. Family Planning of Clallam County’s (FPCC) HIV Reduction Program supplements and enhances existing HIV activities in rural Clallam County, Washington. Provides rapid HIV testing on-site at several clinics, at the Clallam County Juvenile Detention Facility, and during Mobile Day Clinics. Provides rapid HIV testing on-site at several clinics, at the Clallam County Juvenile Detention Facility, and during Mobile Day Clinics.
Partnership & Linkage Barriers
Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers
HIV Reduction Project
Partnership & Linkage Barriers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care
Partnership & Linkage Barriers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources
Partnership & Linkage Barriers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care
Tribal Communities
Partnership & Linkage Barriers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care Low interest by community or patients Low interest by community or patients
Partnership & Linkage Barriers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Lack of access to HIV/AIDS medical providers Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Limited capacity of rural medical professionals to provide HIV/AIDS care Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Inadequate support for HIV/AIDS community resources Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care Culturally respectful HIV/AIDS care Low interest by community or patients Low interest by community or patients Lack of knowledge Lack of knowledge
So, what do we do? Seek Solutions!
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas
Solutions Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools Procurement of community funding Procurement of community funding
Solutions Procurement of community funding
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools Procurement of community funding Procurement of community funding Community promotional efforts Community promotional efforts
Solutions Community promotional efforts
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools Procurement of community funding Procurement of community funding Community promotional efforts Community promotional efforts Cultural competency training Cultural competency training
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools Procurement of community funding Procurement of community funding Community promotional efforts Community promotional efforts Cultural competency training Cultural competency training Collaboration and promotion with social service organizations Collaboration and promotion with social service organizations
Solutions Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Creation of provider list in large metropolitan areas Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Collaboration with local HIV/AIDS Case Manager to obtain care and train providers Use of transportation tools Use of transportation tools Procurement of community funding Procurement of community funding Community promotional efforts Community promotional efforts Cultural competency training Cultural competency training Collaboration and promotion with social service organizations Collaboration and promotion with social service organizations Sustain contacts, repeat calls and visits Sustain contacts, repeat calls and visits
HIV Reduction Program Building Partnerships & Linkages in a Rural Community Family Planning of Clallam County Cherie Reeves Sperr Director of Programs & Operations (360) Ext. 17