Linkage Connecting system components
Allows configuring automatic actions Triggering outputs based on specific inputs Used for removing human reliance Also used as backup to normal operations
Local Linkage (Self Contained) Internal Variable Linkage (Controller Based) Reaction Linkage (Global – System Wide)
Reader Alarms to Auxiliary Relays Alarm Panel Inputs to Output relays Only Control Outputs from same device Limited Configuration Options Only power to Device Required Very Useful for Redundant Backup Extremely Fast Reacting Removes Reliance on Human Operators
Local Linkage - Example Alarm Input Sensor Device changes input state to ‘Alarm’ Linkage action is internal to the device, no outside action Output changes state in reaction to alarm input
Local Linkage Programming
Configured in Software, stored in Controller Can affect any device on controller Inputs from one device can control another PC’s or network not needed Very fast acting Removes requirement for extra wiring Also useful for redundant backups Removes Reliance on Human Operators
Alarm Panel Relays Reader Auxiliary Relays Masking Individual Alarms Masking Alarm Groups Unlocking Doors Time Zone Activation Testing Active Alarms Before Masking Can be Long List of Many Functions
Alarm Panel Inputs Reader Alarms Reader Auxiliary Inputs Access Grant Access Deny Duress Can Count Access Grants APB Area Counts
Internal Variable- Example Alarm Input Change is detected in controller, signal is sent to devices to change state Sensor Device changes input state to ‘Alarm’ Devices change mode to OPEN on designated readers
Internal Variable - Configuration
Configured in Software, stored in PC’s Can affect any device on System Inputs from one device can control any other PC’s must be Functioning Requires APACS PRO software Uses Network to send info to other PC’s Removes Reliance on Human Operators
Alarm Panel and Reader Relays Wave File Sounds Live Video and Video Verification CCTV Control (Camera Selection, etc.) Changing Reader Modes Paging Systems External Program (Word, , etc.) Time Delays (Pause) Can Be Long List of Many Functions
Menu Selection and Hot Keys Graphic Map Buttons Event Message Masks Access Grants from Specific Cards Any Type of Alarm Input Trigger only During Certain Times Configure Menus for Operator Selection
Reaction - Example Controller detects change, sends message to Alarm Mode station Alarm Mode Station receives message and reaction is executed
Reaction - Configuration
What about…? What is the best solution for the following? – Open all doors in response to an input from PAGA (Public Address & General Alarm) system? – Turn on lighting? – Notify the security director when perimeter alarms are detected after midnight? – Sound an alarm when a gas alarm is pulled?