AASHTO SCOP Linking Planning to Programming P2P Link AASHTO SCOP October 18, 2013 ADOT Vision and Long-Range Plan Planning to Programming (P2P) Linkage Implementation
P2P Goal To create a performance-based process that links planning to programming transparent, defensible, logical, reproducible
Developing P2P Link Recognize Concurrent Program Updates and State Transportation Board Programming Outcomes Identify P2P Business Requirements Review of Current Practice and Best Practice Develop Concept Models Define P2P Process and Methodologies Migrate to New Process
Process Collaboration ADOT Leadership – All Divisions ADOT Management and Technical Staff Arizona MPOs/COGs FHWA Peer States
System Performance
P2P Reality Check Developed evaluation criteria through small group sessions In process of testing the investment criteria for each category using projects from the current program Will calibrate evaluation criteria, scoring and weighting factors based on results
Anticipated Benefits Dramatically reduced program categories Truly linking planning to programming to use funds more effectively System performance driving investment decision making Implementing a risk-based approach