Got Data? Using your ACT tools to improve performance on all levels, moving students to College and Career Readiness
Who Benefits? Schools Teachers Counselors Districts States Students
The Foundation: National Curriculum Survey College Readiness Standards TM College Readiness Benchmarks College and Career Readiness System
ACT National Curriculum Survey ® The Foundation of ACT’s College Readiness System Conducted every three to five years Nationwide survey of educational practices and expectations – College instructors – High school teachers – Middle school teachers – Elementary teachers
ACT National Curriculum Survey ® The Foundation of ACT’s College Readiness System Identifies the skills and knowledge postsecondary institutions expect of students Guides the development of ACT’s assessments that measure college-ready skills Informs efforts to develop, refine, and update academic standards Inform policymakers and educators
6 The acquisition of the knowledge and skills a student needs to enroll in and succeed in credit-bearing first- year courses at a postsecondary institution (such as a two- or four-year college, trade school, or technical school) without the need for remediation. The ACT Definition
7 The ACT College Readiness Standards Direct link between what students have learned and what they are ready to learn next. Help interpret what the scores earned on ACT Explore ®, ACT Plan ®, and the ACT mean Identify the knowledge and skills students are likely to demonstrate at various score levels on each academic test
8 ACT College Readiness Standards Suggested learning experiences provide links between the Standards in one score range and those in the next (higher) score range. Ideas for progressing to the next score range demonstrate ways that information learned form standardized test results can be used to inform classroom instruction. l
Statements that describe what students are likely to know and be able to do. 80% of students who achieve a score in this range demonstrate these skills. And statements that provide suggestions to progress to a higher level of achievement
10 ACT College Readiness Benchmarks UPDATED Empirically derived 50% chance of achieving a B or higher or about a 75% chance of achieving a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college course TestCollege CourseACT PlanThe ACT 8th Grade9th Grade EnglishEnglish Composition MathCollege Algebra ReadingSocial Sciences ScienceBiology ACT Explore NEW
What does a score mean? Nothing!…. until it is interpreted and used.
State Level Reports Annual Condition of College and Career Readiness Report Annual State Class Profile Report
– A year in review for North Dakota 7,102 of your graduates, which is an estimated 98% of your graduating class, took the ACT North Dakota had an average ACT Composite score of ,168 of 10 th graders took ACT Plan 872 of 8 th graders took ACT Explore
– A year in review for North Dakota
– A year in review for North Dakota
– A year in review for North Dakota
– A year in review for North Dakota
– A year in review for North Dakota
– A year in review for North Dakota
School/District Reports for EXPLORE/PLAN/ACT ACT Class Profile Student List Report Research Data File (CD) Profile Summary Report (EXPLORE/PLAN) Presentation Packet Linkage Reports (EXPLORE—PLAN, PLAN—ACT) Item Response Summary Report Early Intervention Roster Report Student Score Report
Page 4 in Profile Summary Report 9% 48%
ACT PLAN Profile Summary Report
ACT PLAN Presentation Packet
North Dakota EXPLORE/PLAN Linkage Report
Item Response Summary Report
Application Exercise Item Response Summary Report Pick one content area. Circle the asterisked numbers (correct answers) for each question. *Asterisked numbers are CORRECT answers.
Application Exercise Look for the following patterns: Dramatic differences from the reference group High percentages clustered around a wrong answer High percentages of omitted questions Do any of these situations occur more frequently for some domains than others?
Replace image with what is in the workbook and fix the color coding key to match Clustered on wrong answer Dramatic Difference from Reference Group High Percentage Omitted
ACT EXPLORE Early Intervention Roster
When using your PLAN Score Report, ask yourself some questions: Am I on target for college? What skills do I need to improve to be ready for college? Am I taking a rigorous core curriculum What careers interest me most?
42 ACT Aspire™—The Evolution of College and Career Readiness Identifies a student’s predicted path toward readiness Highlights gaps between what students have learned and what they need to learn Leverages familiar technology Offers robust online reporting that enables timely modifications to student learning and intervention strategies 9
43 ACT Aspire Vertically articulated, standards-based system of assessments to monitor progress in the context of college and career readiness Summative assessments on a vertical scale that spans grades 3–10 and links to the ACT College Readiness score scale (1–36) Subject areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing Employs modular administration by subject and/or grade Linear, computer-based, multiple question types with paper-and-pencil option Links to ACT College Readiness Benchmarks and aligns with Common Core State Standards Provides evidence-based results Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Early High SchoolGrade 11Grade 12 ACT Aspire Summative Assessments (Grades 3-10) ACT Aspire Classroom / Interim Assessment (Grades 3-12) The ACT
Online Reporting—Support ELA Scores for those who test in English, reading, and writing Reading Text Complexity Scores (Reading only) Longitudinal growth Student predicted paths toward college and career readiness Composite Score (Early High School) Predicted ACT Subject and Composite Score (Early High School)
Online Reporting Delivery Rich data and insights Accessible via computer or tablet Downloadable PDFs of prebuilt reports − Student and Educator Reports − Reports for Schools, Districts, and States Aggregate data files available for download to SIS
47 For more information and to sign up to receive updates go to:
Remember : Without data, it’s just an opinion.