Tools for Mainstreaming Gender Gender Analysis Framework and Gender Planning Tools Seminar on Moving to Gender-Based Analysis in Constructing Policy in Rwanda, September 2006 Dr Shirley Randell AM
SNV Rwanda Session Objectives To describe a Gender Analysis Framework (GAF) and Gender Planning Tools (GPT) To clarify basic concepts of the GAF and to introduce GPT To explain the checklist for a GAF using gender equality questions To allow participants hands on practice in using GPT
SNV Rwanda Contents Background of GAF Purpose of GPT GAF and GPT developed by For programs and projects –For Policies Areas and Indicators of GAFs Group work
SNV Rwanda GPT and its Purposes GPT ensures incorporation of gender issues in policy planning process It addresses gaps and promotes advancement for gender perspectives Purposes of GPT used in Rwanda –Ensure that policy, programmes and projects will be in accordance with Constitution, laws and policies –Identify and address the needs and priorities of women and men
SNV Rwanda GPT and its Purposes (contd.) –Ensure equal ability of women and men to access and benefit from programme resources and services –Incorporate special measures to reduce inequalities and promote women’s advancement –Promote the involvement of women and men in decision making and implementation –Protect the human rights and security of women and men –Enable women and men to contribute fully to the economy and national development
SNV Rwanda Background of GAF FrameworkFocus The Development Planning Unit (DPU) Framework Integrating gender perspectives into development practice The Moser FrameworkGender roles, access to and control of resources, gender needs The Harvard frameworkIssues around access and control over resources and project cycle analysis The Longwe women’s empowerment framework Women’s special needs to address gender gaps The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) social relations framework Social relations, institutions, dimension of social relationships, intervention and needs
SNV Rwanda GAF GAF is used to address gender inequalities in development interventions A generic GAF can be used as a tool for assessing and designing development programs in the public sector GAF lists areas where attention to gender equality is important and identifies a questions under each area
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis GAF for assessing programs and projects –Eight areas of attention GAF for assessing government policies –Nine areas of attention –Assessment using the 14 categories of National Policy for Advancement of Women
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis (contd.) GAF for assessing programs and projects –Eight areas of analysis 1.Problem identification and project design 2.Participation 3.Benefit and Advancement 4.Reforms (legislative, policy and institutions), if applicable 5.Human rights and security 6.Linkages and networks, if applicable 7.Communication 8.Resource allocation
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis (contd.) GAF for assessing Government policies –Nine areas of analysis 1.Problem identification 2.Vision 3.Objectives 4.Participation 5.Reforms 6.Human rights and security 7.Linkage and networks 8.Communication 9.Resources
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis (contd.) –Assessment using 14 categories of National Gender Policy based on Beijing PFA 1.Implementation of women's rights and basic freedoms 2.Elimination of all forms of discrimination against the girl-child 3.Elimination of all forms of oppression against women 4.Women's protection and voice in armed violence 5.Women (and girls) education and training 6.Women (and girls) participation in sports and culture
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis (contd.) 7.Ensure women's active and equal rights in all activities of national economy alleviation of women's poverty economic empowerment of women employment of women support services (childcare, care for the aged and disabled, etc..) women and technology food security
SNV Rwanda Framework for Analysis (contd.) 8.Political empowerment of women 9.Administrative empowerment of women 10.Health and nutrition 11.Housing and shelter 12.Women and the environment 13.Women and mass media 14.Specially distressed women
SNV Rwanda GAF for a Program Problem Identification –What percentage of the target group are women and female children Consultation with stakeholders Perspective, needs and issues of women and men identified? Constraints and opportunities for equal participation identified?
SNV Rwanda Participation –What is the sex disaggregated breakdown of women and men as project participants In decision making bodies In implementation process As target group and recipients of benefits
SNV Rwanda Benefits and Advantages –Will women and men receive equal benefits in terms of basic needs, advancement and empowerment Basis needs and services: food, water, housing, health services, education etc Advancement and empowerment: employment, access and control of resources and technology, knowledge and information etc.
SNV Rwanda Human rights and security –Does the program contribute directly or indirectly to protecting human rights, workers’ rights and particularly the rights and safety of women and girl children? Measures to reduce violence against women and increase safety? Vulnerability of women identified? Access to legal and other responsive services for exploited, vulnerable and victimized women and children
SNV Rwanda Communication –Does the project contribute to raising public and institutional awareness about gender equality issues Image of positive, empowered women Resource allocation –What percentage of total project budget is allocated to activities and inputs that will directly involve or benefit women