Metropolitan Police Service Language & Cultural Services
“Background” Programme commenced in 2004 Researched in Europe & US Corporate Programme in 2008 On going implementation
“It’s the way we do business” Waiting time Travelling time Payment & Billing
“Fundamental change of practice” Using technology where appropriate
“Task Driven” What is the legal requirement? If it was in English who would do it? Can it be done through technology?
“Staged Approach” Initial contact software Telephone interpreting Own staff or interpreting Video conferencing or face to face
“Complete Language Solution” Initial Contact Telephone interpreting IDT Video conferencing platform Own staff database Language skills training programme ICT
“Large Resource Base” Access to 1000 interpreters in over 100 languages Access to 900 staff members in over 130 languages
“Initial Contact” Kiosk Technology Counter/Custody Stand alone Scalable/expandable Language/BSL
“Telephone Interpreting” Solid contract Favourable rates Custody/Front counter Double handsets Second line strategy
“Interpreter Deployments” 24/7 operation Balancing out demand Controlling the usage Providing essential MI Non complex procedures Multi lingual workforce
“Video Platform” 156 units Custody/Front counter Hubsites reducing travelling Across a secure network Compatible with corporate programmes
“Own staff” Over 900 volunteers In over 120 Languages Many of them rare Servicing all levels of work
“Language Training” Up skilling the organisation Making better use of our skills Courses on 3 levels Accreditation Police specific content Future proofing our assets
“Software solution” Aiding scheduling End to end process Portals for covert issues Managing two tier “own staff” system Integration with SAP
“Challenges” Police Culture Interpreter expectations Technology linkage