For this presentation you will see few of the graphics as per application of Cinderella software Cinderella Graphics
Exact Drawings The Euler line of a triangle A Dynamic Geometry Program: Exact Drawings
Geometric Calculator Dynamics of a three-bar linkage
Interactive Worksheets and Student Exercises An exercise for students
An Environment for Physics Simulation: Virtual Physical Workbench
Explaining Demonstration of the conservation of energy
Exact Integrators A sun/planet/moon system
Interaction with Geometry Analysis of the velocity vector in a sun/planet system
Interaction with Scripting A harmonic pendulum Forces in equilibrium
A Programming Environment: Enhanced Drawing Output A scripted "Pythagoras tree"
Programmatic Drawing The Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams of a point set
Analysis of Mathematical Functions Newton iteration to find a root of a function
Controlling the Behavior of Constructions A demonstration of Pick's theorem
High-Level Functional Programming Growing a plant in a view
Advanced Plotting Cassinian ovals as waves