Transcription Section 8.4
RNA Single strand Made of nucleotides (Ribose sugar, phosphate and base) Bases include: Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Uracil
3 Types of RNA transcribed Messenger RNA (mRNA) Intermediate message used to translate protein
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms ribosomes, where protein is put together Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosome to make proteins
tran·scribe (tr n-skr b ) tr.v. tran·scribed, tran·scrib·ing, tran·scribes 1. To make a full written or typewritten copy of (dictated material, for example). 2. Computer Science To transfer (information) from one recording and storing system to another. 3. Music a. To adapt or arrange (a composition) for a voice or instrument other than the original. b. To translate (a composition) from one notational system to another. c. To reduce (live or recorded music) to notation. 4. To record, usually on tape, for broadcast at a later date. 5. Linguistics To represent (speech sounds) by phonetic symbols. 6. To translate or transliterate.
Stage 1 (p.241) Transcription complex finds start of gene, unwinds DNA
Stage 2 RNA polymerase uses one strand of DNA as a template and adds complementary bases (C=G, A=U). DNA strand closes back together.
Stage 3 Once the entire gene has been transcribed, the RNA strand is released.
Question What is the complementary DNA strand for the following sequence of nucleotides: ATCTGACG What is the complementary RNA strand? TAGACTGC UAGACUGC
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