Standardized Testing and Reporting (Legacy STAR) Pre-Test Workshop 2014 February 14, 2014; 8:00-11:00 am; E-116 February 14, 2014; 1:00-4:00 pm; E-116 February 19, 2014; 1:00-4:00 pm; E-116 February 21, 2014; 8:00-11:00 am; E-116 February 21, 2014; 1:00-4:00pm; E-116 Cin Rogers, Ed.D. District Coordinator for State Assessments 457-3828
Physical Fitness Test Required in Grades 5, 7, and 9 Grade 9 by Graduation Requirement Year 2017 Test Window February 1 to April 25, 2014 Need date PFT testing began. All schools MUST administer the test, including Alternative and Charters. All students in grades 5, 7, and 9 take the tests whether or not they are enrolled in a PE class. Individual results are to be given to each student after testing. Return completed scanners to REA ATTN: Tami Whaley by April 25.
Objectives Follow current STAR procedures properly. STAR coordinators will: Follow current STAR procedures properly. Ensure all materials are handled securely and appropriately. Train site examiners to conduct testing consistently.
Agenda Test Dates and Scheduling STAR Test Site Coordinator responsibilities Multiple-choice tests California Standards Tests (CSTs) Early Assessment Program (EAP) tests California Modified Assessment (CMA) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) After testing
CAASPP California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Smarter Balanced Field Test (April 7 – June 6)** Legacy STAR Program (High Schools = April 22 – May 9) (Elem & Middle = April 28 – May 16) ELA/Literacy & Mathematics Grades 3-8, 11 CST/CMA Science Grades 5, 8, 10 CAPA- ELA, Math, Science Grades 2-11 CST for EAP purposes in ELA & Mathematics Grade 11 ** See hand out for assigned CAASPP Test Windows
#1 Responsibility—Security No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing For testing purposes, any electronic device that is not specifically designated as an accommodation or modification in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan is unauthorized. Security audits to occur
Security Audits At randomly selected schools and district offices Before, during, or after testing Are materials secure, accounted for, and locked up when not in use? Are correct administrative procedures being followed? For example: Instructional materials have been removed or covered. Students are not being coached through the exams. Only appropriate accommodations and/or modifications are being provided, et. al. No unauthorized electronic devices are being used.
#2 Responsibility – Train Test Examiners Emphasis on heightened security New and updated videos Additions to DFAs Room sign with reminder of no electronic devices To be posted in clear view of students Included in District Coordinator kit Available on Can be photocopied
STAR TSC Responsibilities READ TSC Manual Inform parents (Parent Q & A) Train examiners Ensure examiners read and sign affidavits. Send copies to REA ATTN: Tami Whaley Secure test materials. Plan for accommodations and modifications
STAR TSC: Late Labels To assist schools REA will: School will: Send a set of labeled booklets for new students since Pre-ID. For students whose demographics have changed since Pre-ID an electronic update to the pre-ID will be done by REA. School will: Pull all “moved” students’ answer docs Mark moved students’ answer docs “VOID – moved” and put in non-scorable.
STAR TSC: Train Examiners READ and sign affidavits send copies to REA ATTN: Tami Whaley. Emphasize NO unauthorized electronic devices. MAKE SURE CORRECT TESTS ARE GIVEN. Students who are not testing may not stay in the classroom where a test is being administered. If students need to be taken to another room to finish testing, BE SURE THEY ARE ESCORTED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT STAFF. Do not allow students to walk to another room with test materials by themselves. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: Before testing Check individualized education programs (IEPs) to see whether students should take California Standards Tests (CSTs) with accommodations and/or modifications, the California Modified Assessment CMA) with accommodations, or CAPA.
STAR TSC: Reminders Examiners CANNOT: Review test questions before, during, or after testing. Check students’ answers including (but not limited to): Advise students of wrong answer or to check an answer; or Withhold answer docs until students demonstrate they have the right answers.
After Testing Answer Documents Train examiners to: Erase NOTHING in answer circles. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: After testing NEVER, EVER, EVER ERASE ANYTHING in the answer sections of test booklets or answer documents. Call the California Department of Education (CDE) to discuss the situation if you are not sure what to do.
STAR TSC Examiners shall monitor students throughout testing to make sure students are: On correct part Not going on to other parts or back to a previously completed part Not skipping a question on their answer document (so that they are off by one or more) Not using unauthorized electronic devices during testing session
STAR TSC Examiners shall ensure there is enough time to complete a part before beginning the part. Examiners must follow the approved test schedule.
Instruction Between Test Parts NO instruction in content area between test parts administered in the same day For example, no language arts instruction can occur between CST Science Part 1 and CST Science Part 2 if they are administered in the same day.
Parent/Guardian Exemptions Students whose parents/guardians submit written requests may be exempted from: All tests Specific tests or content areas Tests taken before a parent/guardian exemption request is received will be scored and reported. No separate messages to parents of selected groups of students
Accommodations Do not change what is being tested Only for students with IEPs or 504 Plans Corresponds to what student receives in daily classroom instruction Examples for Multiple-Choice: Dictated responses to a scribe Assistive device that does not interfere with independent work of student Mark only what student actually uses
Modifications Does change what is being tested Only for students with IEPs or 504 Plans Corresponds to what student receives in daily classroom instruction Examples for Multiple-Choice: Reading passages read or signed to student Calculator for math test Assistive device that does interfere with independent work of student Mark only what student actually uses
Accommodations Allowed for CMA See Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications matrix in workshop materials Test questions read aloud to student Math manipulatives on the math or science tests
No Modifications for CMA Modifications are not allowed for use on the CMA; the CMA is a modified test. If the IEP team feels further modifications are necessary the IEP team should consider that the student participate in the STAR Program by taking the CSTs with modifications.
English Learner Testing Variations ELs are allowed only the following testing variations (inside back cover of DFA): Hearing test directions marked with T in SAY boxes The test examiner is not to translate any oral or written test questions or directions students are to read to themselves. Tested separately with other EL students by school employee. Use only if this is normal procedure for these students.
STAR Multiple-Choice Tests CST Grade 10 – Life Science Grade 11 – ELA and/or Summative High School Mathematics or Algebra II for purposes of EAP CMA Grade 10 Life Science; Must have IEP and meet eligibility criteria
Before Multiple-Choice Testing Receive boxes: All boxes come in single delivery. Before signing receipt, check number of boxes. Compare box contents to packing list within 24 hours. Report discrepancies to REA. Prep answer documents: 2014 only No copying of answer documents
Before Multiple-Choice Testing Confirm which tests each student takes. Confirm any accommodations or modifications students will use and where they will be tested. Prepare materials: Test booklets No. 2 pencils Signs
During Multiple-Choice Testing Use Directions for Administration (DFAs) correctly. Read ALL “SAY” boxes exactly as written. Be sure to read and complete “First Day of Testing” section with students. ONLY translate boxes with “T” (NO CST/CMA questions, prompts, or passages may be translated). Grades 9−11 are in single DFA for each test: CST, CMA. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: During Testing DFAs Remind examiners to carefully read all of their DFA before testing. The DFAs answers many of the questions that examiners have and will remind them what to do and what not to do. Remind examiners to read all of the directions to students when they administer the tests . . . do not skip any directions.
During Multiple-Choice Testing Monitor for use of unauthorized electronic devices. Give correct test booklets and answer documents to students whose names are on answer documents. Make sure students are taking the correct test and marking answers in the correct section of the answer document. Ensure students complete all parts of each test. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: During Testing Remind examiners that they cannot check student work or advise students that they have an answer wrong or tell them to go back and check an item. They cannot withhold answer docs until students demonstrate they have the right answers. Closely monitor students during testing to make sure they are working in the correct part of the test booklet and answer document. Make sure that students do not go on to other parts of the test. Also make sure that students don’t skip a question on their answer document (so that they are off by one). Make sure that they have enough time to administer the test in one sitting (i.e., make sure that administration does not run into lunch time, etc.) MAKE SURE YOU ARE GIVING THE RIGHT TEST! (CST, CMA, end-of-course test, etc.) Students should mark the correct test subject for high school mathematics and science. Students who are not testing may not stay in the classroom where a test is being administered. If students need to be taken to another room to finish testing, be sure they are escorted by an adult. Do not allow students to walk to another room with test materials by themselves.
During Multiple-Choice Testing Schedule breaks Ensure there is enough time to complete a part before beginning the part. See DFA for more information on breaks.
CST for Science Required grade-level science Grades 5, 8, 10: all students shall take the grade-level test. Found in grade-level test booklets: no need to order separately. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: During Testing Students should mark the correct test subject for high school mathematics and science.
EAP Grade 11 only To receive status of ELA, students must complete: Writing essay in March; and CST multiple choice questions; and Additional EAP multiple choice questions on CST. For mathematics, students must complete additional questions on the EOC Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics Students must mark ONLY ONE bubble—REA will not bubble for student
CMA Participation Criteria Have an IEP Meet the SBE-adopted eligibility criteria Previously took CST and scored below basic or far below basic Previously took CAPA and scored proficient or advanced in previous 2 years See full participation criteria: STAR District and Test Site Coordinator Manual
CMA Participation Criteria ANNUALLY, IEP specifies: Whether the student takes the CMA or the CST with appropriate accommodations and/or modifications, regardless of previous CMA performance levels CMA subject(s) Variations and/or accommodations Check the student’s IEP to see whether and which CMA test the student should take.
CMA Participation Science Grades 5, 8, 10 No additional modifications are allowed. If modifications needed, student should take CST with modifications.
CAPA Performance-based, one-on-one test For students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take the CSTs even with accommodations and/or modifications or the CMA with accommodations Student must have an IEP IEP specifies CAPA and level
CAPA CAPA Training is mandatory. CAPA Test Examiner Training: Regional Instructional Managers (RIM) will train teachers at your site Contact Office of Special Education for questions about training Packed in separate boxes from other STAR materials Distribute CAPA directions to Special Education teachers early to review procedures and instructions All FUSD schools have one CAPA version (so required materials are all the same). FUSD has Version 4 for 2014. 10% are to be double rated at each school and grade. Lists will be sent to schools for double rating.
CAPA Answer Document Use only 2014 answer document. Ensure correct CAPA Level is marked in 7a. Level I only can have 5 as a score.
CAPA Observers Districts must double-rate at a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the CAPA students per level, per site (including NPS). Double ratings are randomly selected. Observers must mark Observer and BOTH examiners and observers must sign their separate answer documents.
1 – Name, etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Name 6 – Gender 7a – CAPA Level Preparing To Administer the CAPA Observer’s Answer Doc Use blank from overage. Observers must mark sections 1 – Name, etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Name 6 – Gender 7a – CAPA Level 7b – Grade 11 – Student ID 12a – SSID
After Testing Paperwork Pack: scorables vs. nonscorables Separate answer docs by grade Alphabetize answer docs by grade Complete back of answer document. Transcribe voided answer documents. Complete First Day List Complete SGID (one per grade). Complete Master File (one per school). Pack: scorables vs. nonscorables Attach correct shipping labels.
After Testing Complete Back of Answer Document A1 DO NOT complete without CDE notification A2 Special Conditions A3 Accommodations and Modifications Part a: mark “IEP” and/or “Section 504 plan” to indicate which program/plan student has, whether used accommodations or modifications or not. Note: IEP is required to take CMA, CAPA. Part b, mark codes for all accommodations student used as specified in IEP and/or 504 plan. A4 English Learner Test Variations For each test, what was actually used
After Testing Transcribe Braille and large print Cannot be processed without transcription In Section A3 on the back of the answer document mark “G” or “H.” Damaged answer documents Write VOID on front of answer document(s) and return with nonscorables.
Multiple-choice Testing Answer Document Use 2014 answer documents only Do NOT copy answer documents An answer document must be completed and submitted with each school’s scorable materials for every student enrolled on the first day of multiple-choice testing. This includes students who: Complete CST/CMA or CAPA Are exempted by parent/guardian request Are absent for the school’s entire testing window
Complete after testing If Applicable: Box A2: Special Conditions Box A3: Accom/Mods Box A4: EL Test Variations
What do you hand-bubble if it is not a Pre-ID answer document? Required: Box 3: DOB Box 5: Name Box 6: Gender Box 7: Grade Box 8 & 9: Ethnicity/Race Box 10: Parent ed Box 11: Student ID Box 12a: SSID
And on the back page... Required: Box 15: Eng Prof If Applicable: Box A2: Special Conditions Box A3: Accom/Mods Box A4: EL Test Variations Required: Box 15: Eng Prof EL => Box 17 & 24 RFEP => Box 21 & 22 Box 16: Sped Svcs Box 19: Prim Lang Box 23: NSLP
16a—Disability Code If not in Pre-ID, mark after testing. For CST and STS: Mark “000” if no IEP; or Disability Code from IEP. For CMA and CAPA: Disability code is REQUIRED. “000” not valid for CMA or CAPA. Also, be sure to mark the “IEP” or “504 Plan” circle in section A3a even if the student does not use any accommodations or modifications. Site Coordinators should emphasize in training and monitoring: After testing Mark “IEP” or “Section 504 plan” in A3a whether or not the student used an accommodation or modification Must mark “000” in Section 16a if student does not have IEP.
SGID Sample – What to Bubble
School and Grade Identification Sheet (SGID) Complete the front page of SGID (see manual) Information box – district, school grade, dates, test coordinator name CST/CMA or CAPA Grade Number of Documents Use one for each grade level tested with CST/CMA Use one for all CAPA levels and grades
Master File Sheet Complete “Number of SGID’s” column for each grade tested Use one SGID (CAPA) for all CAPA Use one SGID per grade tested with CST/CMA Complete “Number of Scorable Documents” column for each grade tested If no students tested in grade level, enter “0.”
Testing Problems Examples include, but are not limited to: Test Administration Errors Not following directions Randomly distributing Pre-ID test booklets Marking Modifications when they were not used Not marking correct course-specific test code Testing Irregularities Failure to maintain security Allowing students to access electronic equipment Allowing students to take pictures of tests Information on walls or desks “Coaching” students in any way Changing/correcting students’ responses Allowing students additional materials during testing Inform the District Coordinator asap (Cin @ 457-3828)
Delivery and Pick-up of STAR Test Materials Notify front office staff of expected deliveries and pickups: Have front office staff notify TSC ASAP of deliveries. Tell front office staff where deliveries are to be placed/secured. Tell front office staff where material to be picked up is located. Keep materials secure at all times. Will receive an email regarding delivery dates and pick up dates
No On-site Inspections REA will not inspect STAR scorable answer documents. Schools are responsible to separate scorable and nonscorable materials and prepare them for shipping. See page 66-68 of STAR manual
Packing Scorable Materials See Correctly Package Scorable Materials in manual p66 An answer document for every student enrolled in tested grade on first day of testing. Completed SGID sheet by grade (One for CST/CMA per grade, one for CAPA all grades) Completed Master File Sheet (ONE per school) Place Orange label on SCORABLE boxes
Packing NON-SCORABLE Materials See Correctly Package Nonscorable Materials in manual p67 Voided answer documents (if responses) marked VOID and the reason Grade DFAs Unused blank and Pre-ID answer booklets Transcribe Large-print and Braille Booklets Place green labels on NON-SCORABLE boxes
Returning STAR Test Materials Return address labels are provided for all testing materials. EAP Essay Magenta labels for scorable Yellow labels for non-scorable Multiple-Choice Answer Documents and CAPA Orange labels for scorable materials Green labels for non-scorable materials
Complete Labels Correctly Leave District Blank Fill in School
How to Get More Test Materials REA Website Click on <Requests> Click on <Request STAR Materials from District Overage> Procedures for extra material: Non-secure materials can be sent by intra-district mail Secure material will be delivered within two working days or can be picked up by TSC
Questions? Call the STAR CAASPP Team Cin Rogers 457-3828 Tami Whaley 457-3851 Carlos Ramirez 457-3852; District cell 647-3751